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Everything posted by Augie

  1. Can I throw out K/P, and replace that with “Value”. That’s where my vote would go. We need all those other things, but at the right cost.
  2. Instead of the Pro Bowl, that NOBODY wants to see, send them ALL to Pebble Beach to play golf. I’ll be far more likely to watch, and more players will be excited about it. Maybe even have a Charles Barkley Award!
  3. Poor Nick lost his schtick. Now he has to act like he has a brain and lose all those angry clicks……
  4. Well, that’s that! It’s on the internet, Wikipedia no less, so it’s a done deal. 😋 I trust our guys to make a good decision. Nothing and nobody is perfect, but they are well above average. From where I sit, I honestly don’t even know what to wish for. I just have to trust them.
  5. Nor can I, but nothing so far scares me. . I hope he doesn’t mess with his beach chairs! That there is TROUBLE!
  6. Me too! The good news is…….we weren't thinking and talking about the draft in late October, like the dark old days. Yeah, lets fire everyone…….
  7. I don’t think the decision to pass on Gronk is that he’d take away targets for Knox. We NEED another good TE on the roster, and somebody will do that even if Knox is clearly TE #1. My concern about Gronk would be age, injuries and possibly cost. I wouldn’t want to pay TOO much for him, but he’s done a lot of winning in his years. I can get past the dirty play on Tre. That was indeed atrocious, but I would not want to forever be judged on my worst day. If the health and cost isn’t the reason to pass, the hit on Tre should be overlooked, IMO. %$#^ happens. Michael Jordan punched a teammate. Would you turn him down? I can’t vote pure “Yes”, but I’m open to it under the right conditions and for the right price. .
  8. Maybe with some chop sticks you can make a VERY tiny little house of it, but keep it well wrapped. Remember, you need to keep it well wrapped. That may save you more than the stupid card. If…..you know what I mean.
  9. I am not a geography major, but I’m pretty sure NEITHER are in New Jersey.
  10. The OLine makes everyone better. I’d like more speed on both sides of the ball, but you win the game in the trenches. Both sides of the ball. I’m fine with Motor, and if we can add speed that is all the better.
  11. That’s a very poor answer that may just take you out of the running, per Schefter. (Link pending)
  12. We can win without the top seed, but I sure would like home games! Our fans matter, just like in KC. Having said that, if Aaron Rodgers has to come to the AFC, I wouldn’t mind it being with the Broncos to steal a game or two each season away from the Chiefs and Raiders. The Cheats* got home field far too often because they owned the AFCE while other divisions cannibalized themselves.
  13. I was thinking more Rob Schneider in The Waterboy. The accent adds a nice touch! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qi1LMIUOOAI Well, THAT didn’t go as hoped. .
  14. Oh NO! We suck AGAIN! Couldn’t this go into one of the many other “we suck” threads? We will be back. We have Josh, a strong FO and good coaches, despite making some mistakes and being imperfect. Andy Reid got fired for such events, and I bet the Eagles would like him back. We will have more chances. Every year 31 teams go home unhappy. At least we were a serious contender. I’ve stepped away from the ledge. Maybe look up the serenity prayer. EDIT: Some might argue we didn’t get as far as last year because we were not in the AFCCG. I would argue we improved and gave the Chiefs a SERIOUS run for their money this year. I call that progress. . .
  15. We bought a Buckhead townhouse from a young guy who sold a company and made some good money. (We rented to our son and DIL - for about half the market rent.) He decided to become a day trader. We continued to get some of his mail. After about a year the mail became predominantly past due notices. I’m not referring to Big Turk or anyone else in particular. I’m just saying it’s not as easy as it looks, and most people are not as smart as they think they are. Sucks to learn that lesson the hard way.
  16. Are we allowed to do that? Do you think someone might notice? I like Knox a LOT, but he can’t be our only TE, which feels to be the case. Every team has needs and salary cap concerns. I feel like our FO is a bit smarter than most. It’s been a LONG tome since I trusted them so much.
  17. Augie

    45 YEARS AGO

    Maybe not, and I get that, but every parking lot had it piled as high as they could reach. It was CRAZY! What to do? 🤷‍♂️ I was a senior in high school and missed three straight weeks without having to make it up. My family had just partially moved but sent the movers home early so they didn’t end up living with us. The two houses were within easy walking distance, so we had party central in the old house for all our buddies. Great times!
  18. Augie

    45 YEARS AGO

    I would NOT have wanted to be the first guy to drive a dump truck full of snow onto the lake to put the snow back where it came from after they ran out of places to put it!
  19. I think that makes him in charge of orange slices at half time. It’s a great gig if you can get it! .
  20. Ummm……….what is the Pro Bowl?
  21. I think my own mother knows who got the steal in our marriage. My wife doesn’t make too many mistakes, but to her credit she sticks with it!
  22. Mom? Is that YOU???
  23. God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. This has helped me a lot in life.
  24. I skipped to the end. Did anyone else refuse to click?
  25. OK, in 2018 we played them in OP, then 3 straight years in Nashville. We also played in Nashville in 2015. Interestingly, all games were played in October. I guess, at least lately, they like to save conference games until later in the season for the most part. I enjoyed attending three of those games in Nashville, missing only the Covid/no fans game. If you ever have an opportunity to see a game there, I highly recommend it. It’s an OK stadium, but a GREAT setup with the pedestrian bridge from downtown to the game. .
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