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Everything posted by Augie

  1. My MIL owned a Chrysler New Yorker. It was almost comical how terrible that car was, in every possible way. It had electric seat controls, but it was so tight I had to open the door to be able to operate them. 🤔
  2. Just remember the happy times, it helps.
  3. Enjoy the time you have left with her and trust your gut, you’ll know when it’s time to put her down.
  4. You really think so? She was asking about you.
  5. He should just be thankful that we haven’t listened to the folks around here who want him fired! He can take that and be happy with it!
  6. He’s got some priors. Learn the lesson or the price goes up.
  7. I apologize for saying “math”. Goodnight.
  8. I was afraid of clicking on the thread title. That shows good judgment, right?
  9. IDK, I keep going to the dentist. 🤷‍♂️ 😊
  10. This just makes me more curious. How do they do the math?
  11. Some people here would like to vote for who our starting safeties should be. I wish Hamlin was bigger, but he seems to get by with his instincts and willingness. That is much like Milano. I know, that can make them unavailable. .
  12. WAIT! SJCI right? Who remembers the movie(s) Mr Rust would play? One was explaining the Canadian accent I think and she said “I used to say about the house, but now I say about the house.” Funny little memory for possibly 2-3 other people on the planet. But I do hear the difference now. .
  13. OUCH! I don’t know about you, but that would keep me from coming back!
  14. Well, pretty much everybody on earth has heard of him, so there you go.
  15. Who knows, maybe they were just trying to treat her to a cool ride down the handrail in the 300’s? That makes about as much sense. Somebody had too much to drink and bumped a little girl. Fortunately, there is no mention of injury, so life moves on. As DrDawk mentioned earlier, in that scenario either my wife or myself is holding the hand of our young child. It’s steep and slippery and crowded with people who have been drinking. We are holding our small kid’s hand 100% of the time in a situation like that.
  16. It sounds like Mommy was upset. She might be the least objective person present. I can’t have a strong opinion without knowing what really happened, but I very seriously doubt there was any intent whatsoever to push a child down steps. Might someone have had too much to drink? Of course, but I still don’t know what really happened and I don’t fully trust this 49er fan’s account.
  17. Yeah, like so many other things I want to know more details before rushing off to judge a person or a fanbase.
  18. I carried each section of the tree upstairs. Much heavier than I remembered! After a Home Depot trip and work in the back yard. I’m glad the game is set to record.
  19. Is that tonight??? I’m watching #22 Xavier struggle with a team called SC State. Up 3 with 9 seconds left and just fouled at half court. I’m feeling that urge to vomit, and we haven’t even started yet!
  20. Our DIL is a UGA grad and we live in Atlanta. I was a big McConky fan after seeing quite a bit of him. He’s just a football player. If our roster and needs had been different, I would not have minded finding a way to get him for the slot at the right price.
  21. So, just to be sure I’ve got this right, by “repeat” do you mean start over from the top with eating again, or are you crapping again? Some foods will do that to you. Some vengeful people out there might be hoping your device in the spa about now, but I’m not that kind of person. As far as you know.
  22. Thursday was not the only day to be thankful! I am thankful for that today. 😊 The wife decided after planting in the backyard that she would clean up. We live in a neighborhood where all the outside maintenance is included in the HOA (tiny lots). They send guys several times a week this time of year to blow the leaves out of your yard and to the street where they actually dispose of them. (Blowing them from my yard to your yard doesn’t really work very well in nature.) That sounds pretty cool, right? The wifey decides to tackle the leaves and clean up. I keep reminding her that they will do that soon. I believe the final tally was 7 of those BIG paper Home Depot yard debris bags. Stuffed with leaves the guys would have had blown out of here in the next 24-48 hours. Maybe it was growing up realizing the futility of shoveling in a blizzard? Or maybe an overachiever messed up and married an underachiever. I still like my approach. We still have 4 more hours, I hope she doesn’t decide to paint the house! EDIT: it was EIGHT bags, and I got to carry them all to the road for the trash tomorrow! OR, let the people paid for that do their work. I come in the door breathing hard and she wants me to drag Christmas tree sections upstairs. She’s no slacker, she’s already brought up giant Xmas storage tubs and wreaths. I’m just complaining because I can’t keep up! . .
  23. Well, yeah, there is that. But enjoy your nap!!! 😂
  24. You are earning the Best Nap in Town!
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