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Everything posted by Augie

  1. I know he wants to be a starter, and be paid like one, but if you can spend 10-15 years doing what he did last season, it’s a pretty good gig! Not a bad start in life! .
  2. I just want to call in and see some guy get penalized for some quirky infraction I noticed. It makes me feel better about my foot wedge employed on every other hole. 😋
  3. Besides, the existence of this thread precludes this from EVER happening. Hypothetical trade threads are NOT allowed to come to existence per Jim Facenda and the other Gods of football. …I’m pretty sure.
  4. I used to review real estate appraisals from around the country, many from Mississippi and Alabama. They not only rejected paragraphs, THEY WOULD DO PAGES AT A TIME IN ALL CAPS! I’d ask “What are you doing? You’re killing me!”. They told me “I was taught to work for speed.” I suggested they throw a little quality in with their quantity. If you are going to make my life hard because you are lazy and barely literate, I’m not going to make YOUR life any easier than I have to. WE pay YOU, keep that in mind. One thing I know is you are not supposed to look directly into them. 😋
  5. It will still be a path for him in a year or two, so why not take the bigger check and the easier life while you can? I respect his decision, and he’s still going to have the coaching option when his time comes. He didn’t reject the coaching option, he just delayed it.
  6. When our kids were young my buddy a few doors up the road had an au pair from France who looked a little like that. She also had an aversion to wearing anything above the waist around the house. Leigh started getting a lot more company dropping by. He’s still married, but I think it was touch and go for a while.
  7. I started, but figured I got the gist of it early on and gave up. It seemed a rather daunting task. There are no participation awards in the NFL. They are not in middle school. If they are afraid of consequences for their quality of play, maybe they need to find a new place to go to work.
  8. I have to come clean here. When I first saw that clip, I misunderstood what was happening and why. I posted (since deleted) based upon what I thought I saw. I had no idea that she belonged there, or that she had been so seriously injured. (I’m not sure if the extent of her injury was known at the time.) It’s certainly a bad look for him, but I think his wife (?) appeared sufficiently horrified. I hope nobody judges me by my worst moments. That would not be pretty. I won’t do that to him. Tequila makes for strange events! You don’t win your first SB very often in life. Hope she gets well soon with no long term downside.
  9. That takes a strong trunk!
  10. I am a HUGE fan of diversity. However, I also believe in the open market. I’m wondering how this might work, and what it might look like. What might happen behind the scenes that we will never know of?
  11. So, he’s a super hard worker? Is that process stuff? I think it almost qualifies as “wholesome” for an NFL player since he had two separate rooms. As the saying goes, “if I wanted to disappoint two people at once, I just would have invited my parents to dinner”. .
  12. Obviously, that was a bit of hyperbole. We know a few specs of sand on the beach, for sure. What amazes me the most is how much more there is to learn! We have far more questions than answers, IMO. We really don’t know what dark matter is, and it apparently makes up most of the universe (I’ve read estimates of 85-95%+). What we DO know is far more than 100 years ago, but almost nothing compared to thousands of years from now, if we make it that long.
  13. I’m the last guy you want math answers from! Ask my (math major) wife! What I DO know is……we don’t know squat. Think of what we “know” now that we didn’t know just a hundred years ago. Or a thousand years ago. Look at the acceleration of discovery and advancement, and then imagine what we might know a thousand years in the future. Heck, another decade will present us with what I now consider unimaginable! When I was a kid we had party line phones. Now? Elementary school kids walk around with cell phones and most of the knowledge of mankind at their fingertips. I have no idea what might be possible in the future! He may have said it, but you are leading the charge. I’m not getting up in anyone’s business, I’m just pointing out the obvious. I can’t “know” what is out there (or is not out there), and neither can you.
  14. You have to blame the sitcoms, I think. (Not sure where that part came in.)
  15. That sounds like you could make a nice song out of it…..… Have you bought a chicken wing lately? Some places the menu says “Market Price”, like it’s lobster or something! Everything is getting crazy expensive, and rates are about to rise for the first time in an amazingly long time.
  16. But…..is it as small as the universe is big? 🤷‍♂️ I don’t pretend to know, so I feel pretty confident I’m not wrong.
  17. …….and somehow they skim enough that Caesar’s Palace can have that lovely inlaid marble mosaic tile at the bottom of their various pools. It’s a sweet deal! I think it was $5k, and he didn’t mention it to his wife. There may be a reason we haven’t heard from him since. There may be an ongoing investigation. Police have no comment.
  18. You are DRIVING the limo! Reach over and get it! I would not make that bet. It’s going to be painful enough, and even I have limits. .
  19. What bothers me the most is, the guy who is NEXT wants the MOST. The guy who is BEST should get the most! I think it was another wise move to make Josh a VERY wealthy man when they did, and better for us in the long run.
  20. There are disgusting people, for sure. But I’d love to be “disgustingly rich”, personally (if there is such a thing). My wife’s dream “retirement job” would be to run a foundation. It would be even better if it were our foundation! Support good causes and people in need. She spent many years in the foundation and endowment world. She doesn’t want to raise money (too many years in sales) but running a foundation? She says “who doesn’t love you for giving away someone else’s money?” Even more rewarding if it’s YOUR money helping people.
  21. I don’t know, good schools, so……maybe. Might make a nice place “to summer”. 🤷‍♂️
  22. I feel it’s far, far, FAR more extreme than that. I’ve lived in Cincinnati. There is not much outside of it, where LA is just more, and more, and more. Like Jacksonville, where you draw the boundaries matters.
  23. I am more interested in the Bills than ever. They are not only good, but they are fun to watch. Josh is obviously a big part of that. I realized a few years ago that my son was into fantasy football, and he knew all about players across the league. I am not THAT. I watch the Bills, and other than that only premiere games. I used to watch whatever they put on, but now I just watch what is interesting. The refs are a problem, but they always have been to some extent. Replays from a dozen angles exacerbate the problem. We used to play, then move on. Now we watch, then re-watch. Then watch again in super-slow-mo. . And again. And they STILL don’t always get it right! FULL TIME REFS! It’s a multi-billion dollar industry. This is NOT high school basketball! .
  24. Coming clean here…I don’t really understand how the ratings work. Would you not look at the percentage of people in any given market watching a particular event? Obviously, LA is enormous compared to Buffalo. They will have MORE people watching, but as a percentage? I would think the city would be invested in a SB with a “home town” team playing a few miles (or a few hours) up the road should mean something. But I also get that they have beaches and mountains and so much more to do. There is a reason LA went forever without a local NFL team. (One of them being a threat to other cities to build new stadiums, but that’s for another thread.) They just don’t care that much, it seems. The Dodgers can buy all the best players, and the Lakers are the Lakers. They have USC, and UCLA and so many other options, you have to win to get attention. But they just won the Super Bowl, and it just feels “that was nice, what else do you have for me?” I’m asking, not saying here.
  25. Wait…….what was the topic again? .
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