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Everything posted by Augie

  1. Say it, what is your point? Should they not be? .
  2. Yeah, there was a miscommunication late in the playoff game, and the guy at fault is gone (quietly and with class). We went SEVENTEEN YEARS without a playoff appearance, and now we are a regular Super Bowl favorite. Sure, let’s bash the coaching. Are we NOT elite? Is that what you are saying? We messed up, we didn’t win the Super Bowl. There are 31 other teams that can say the same thing, but we had a better shot than most of them. That loss to the Chiefs was one of the best football games I’ve ever seen. Sadly, it had a bad ending. Everyone has needs, and we have ours. I think we generally handle filling them as well as anyone. Another great CB would be awesome, but I trust our group to pick and coach up DB’s. Tre will be back, but it will probably take until later in the season for him to feel like the real deal again.
  3. Stevie Johnson was more GOPFM. “Get Open Please Find Me”.
  4. I’m a book guy. Hard cover 99.9% of the time that I usually get at Costco these days. I go to lunch daily and take my book, sit at the bar and read with my Arnold Palmer and a nice meal. It’s often the highlight of my day, sadly. Our bookshelves are as full as my wife will allow them to be. SO, even better……I give them to my mom who stocks the shelves of the little library at her retirement community. Why sit on my shelves when so many more people can enjoy them? Their inventory was kind of pathetic a few years ago, but she is steadily adding to the options in a real way.
  5. How classy of you! 😋
  6. Oooh! Look! I CAN post here! That little test will be the extent of it, however. Has anybody EVER changed anyone else’s opinion here? Doubt it, so I won’t try. It’s just a sad state of affairs. Carry on….I’ll let myself out.
  7. Not a stance on NFL owners getting public money for stadiums, but: I feel like libraries have a lot in common with museums. Libraries and Encyclopedias have mostly gone the way of the wooly mammoth. In college our kids studied at Starbucks, Panera’s or Barnes and Noble. I’m not sure if either of them EVER checked anything out from a library. The world has changed, and the libraries should be put inside the museums. Grade school kids have most of the information owned by mankind in their phone they carry around in their pocket. Roads? Schools? Sure. Again, not taking a side on public money, but libraries and slide rules have followed similar paths. Crazy how much the world has changed. Carry on…..
  8. There is ALWAYS room for improvement, but if anyone spends too much time hating on what we saw last year, that is their problem. We had a lot more ups than downs. And we were missing our best defensive player much of the year. We get Tre back next season. I like our chances.
  9. I’ve met some of these guys, and I know the answer to your question. I just don’t want to hurt any feelings. They have a hard enough time as it is…..
  10. My son’s buddy was the QB of his high school freshman team. He had played QB in little league so that seemed like he had a step up on the others. That is…..until it came out that his center was a girl. He not only lost credibility, but it led to some serious ribbing! I mean, what are a bunch of HS freshman boys going to do with that? 😂 Sorry, gotta brag: by senior year our son was the QB, First Team All-Area, POY and got college interest. (He passed, no pun intended.) It was worth staying in a little 2 BR rental in Florida so he could finish his senior year. Special times for him…and us. Then moved to our ATL home upon graduation.
  11. Not dumb to me. I found it curious as well. Is this a bit of “it takes one to know one” situation? Who better to design a passing game than the guy charged with preventing the passing game?
  12. The best party of my college career! That’s almost a decade of parties to get my AD! 😋 Who rented US those big TV’s? I believe it was 6 kegs, and 3 rented TV’s, as big as they came back then. Notice they shut up at the end. Sometimes silence is best, and let the moment speak for itself. . .
  13. The curse is concerning, as if the fact that his beard appears to be taking over his entire body.
  14. You are competing against the most brilliant minds on the planet. And you expect to win in the long run. I wish you well. Bernie Madoff sends regards.
  15. The Last Waltz is one of the best things I’ve ever seen on a television.
  16. I’d say I got to point B early, and you are taking the risky and tainted path that may not get you there.
  17. Very cool! Love the sentiment! It doesn’t make crypto your savior is all I’m saying. I got to retire in my 50’s. I didn’t have to win the lottery or make money for nothing and cash out at the right time on crypto. We like to play it smart.
  18. That does not impress me any more than anything I could read from countless confident (a/k/a cocky) people. But I do SINCERELY wish you all the best. I mean that! I really do. EDIT: If you think we are betting AGAINST you, I think you are just making stuff up. We don’t care enough to be that invested, I’m guessing. Your success or failure has nothing to do with my lifestyle. I’m good, thx. .
  19. I have a college buddy who sold the family business. Had a boat load of cash. Went to day trading and did well for a while. He’s now in index funds. He learned his lesson. No offense but, what concerns me most is how smart you think you are. I don’t say this to insult you, but hopefully to create some self awareness. I doubt it sinks in, sadly.
  20. Replace “them” with YOU. Then you have an accurate picture. You are not immune. It’s a scam, IMO, and they can scam even you when they want to. Sorry, you are a minnow loving life. Don’t get me wrong, I wish you all the best, but I’ve seen this sh!t before in many other fields. I’m not playing that Ponzi game.
  21. Please don’t take this personally, because it it not meant that way. I know some very smart people who are sure that they are smarter than you. People with eight figure net worths, and up. And I’ll bet you think you are smarter than them. I have no idea. That could be. If you think it’s easy, I’m afraid you are missing something. You can argue it’s not “easy”, but I’m too good at it to come out on the wrong end. It’s a rigged game. It really is, IMO. I’d hate to see you hurt badly by a game with no rules, but clearly you are already decided.
  22. We are paying a bit more than that to see Van Morrison from some great seats coming up soon. Amphitheater north of Atlanta (Alpharetta). He’s our top act we have not seen. I wouldn’t pay to see The Stones or The Who again, but it’s a bucket list thing to see him once. Wife got six tix, and friends eagerly bought up the extras. She warned them “these are NOT the cheap seats”. They didn’t flinch. I’d have paid more, quite honestly. Second place on my “I’ve never seen list” would be Bruce Springsteen. Pretty big drop after that. . .
  23. Left part of himself behind to be remembered by all. Seems much too soon. RIP.
  24. Would either be willing to go there? I seriously doubt it. Maybe we could send Christian McCaffery and a 4th to get Chase Young? We love to wheel and deal! SPIN that wheel again! 😋
  25. Would you happen to have Janes’ number? Please PM me.
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