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Everything posted by Augie

  1. Somehow, it just feels weird to see the word “beautiful” right next to “shack”. 🤷‍♂️ Your goat deserves more from you! Like….a goat palace! .
  2. It was so awkward I couldn’t watch it all again. I felt badly for Dan Patrick. He still talks about that interview! Kyler was trying to play it coy like he didn’t know which sport he was going to play. It’s absolutely painful to watch, and I’m glad he’s not OUR guy! If you’re not going to talk, decline the interview. Pretty simple, as apparently is Kyler.
  3. Put that up against ANY interview with Josh, and ask yourself which guy you prefer. It is NOT a difficult decision!
  4. Look up Kyler on the Dan Patrick show then as yourself: Do you want this guy as your QB? I’ll pass, thank you. If you’ve seen it, you will remember it. It was THAT awkward. He ain’t no Josh Allen! https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjF---OsKP2AhWkmuAKHXFwCPoQwqsBegQIAxAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Daj8jG0aYdsU&usg=AOvVaw2hLXaJXL1iiBDUrqd1iKfN .
  5. I used to go there for lunch when I lived in Sarasota. They moved the location a bit north and I’ve been to the new place once. They do a nice job of giving me a taste of my childhood. . Here in Atlanta there was a Ted’s knockoff called Barker’s Red Hots. They even had Loganberry and “Crystal Beach fries”. Sadly, they closed down a few years ago. Another “taste of home”. .
  6. The ridiculous cost of golf balls preceded the cost of “market price” chicken wings. WTF? I get mine online as used balls. I think it’s 80 balls per order. That gets me thru a few rounds. I may not be good, bit I am NOT slow. Wife gifted me new clubs a few years ago. I got her clubs in response. We have been out 3 times, tops. Maybe when she stops working, but she lives to work.
  7. This is the essence of the issue. I was a tennis guy. Dated tennis ladies in my adult single days. My wife had spent time in her youth playing tennis. She went to camps and took lessons. But we would never be close to the same level, so it was awkward. In golf you don’t need someone to hit you a good ball to hit a good ball. It’s not a back and forth thing. In golf, it’s you vs the course. And, of course, your mind.
  8. Again……an opportunity missed. Technically, it was the dog’s colorful poop that captivated me as a child. When I tried to emulate her results I got a reputation around the neighborhood. Dogs get away with almost anything! 😋
  9. I was young. I failed to realize the financial opportunity. Millions lost! FAR more entertaining than an Andy Warhol soup can!
  10. I just lost a little love for the horsey sauce…….
  11. I had a dog get my Crayola 64 pack when I was a kid (NO, not that kinda kid!) and she pooped rainbows for a while there!
  12. I’ve heard of it. Cute little town…..and very goat friendly, I hear. One of the things it’s known for. .
  13. ….throw in the wifey’s hat, and it looks like a bargain.
  14. I spent my wonderful formative years in WNY. It will always be “home”. And I’ll always be part of “we”. 😋
  15. We have a skyline?
  16. Lordy! What was the alcohol bill for that party! Doesn’t seem like a process kinda guy….. or crowd!
  17. I think I tend to be higher on Knox than the average fan. I like his style, and I love the trajectory of his career. I don’t know how Beane is going to manage the cap going forward, but I’m thrilled that we have so many players I really want to keep around. It didn’t used to be that way.
  18. I actually agree with you. He made a point of being vague and not pinning blame on others. He did **** up, but all we can do is move forward. Live and learn. It should have been less than 13 seconds, and they shouldn’t have played it the way they did. I’m also upset, but people who act like they should be fired are just being childish, IMO. Big picture, folks. Look at the big picture.
  19. I said the ST Coordinator is gone, and you STILL haven’t answered my questions. To be fair, it all ultimately falls on the HC, and he’s accepted that. Now, what are you going to do about it?
  20. So, if you want to ignore statistics, we may have been at least the 8th best on your arbitrary “visual test”? I can live with that, because it’s not based on much. I like what we have, and where we can go. BTW - MOST defenses played a LOT of bad QB’s, because there are a lot of bad QB’s out there. I’d argue that a dozen good ones is pushing it. .
  21. Cheap owners probably ruin that. Joe Burrow is the next David Carr if they don’t spend the money to protect him. If you think Ralph was cheap, he was the SUPER generous uncle to the Bengals!
  22. Who had better defenses? Please name them. The stats say we were pretty darn good. I don’t know how anyone defines “elite”, but we were not a defense that warrants a lot of whining.
  23. I never said he was THE reason we lost. It was ONE reason we lost. I have managed teams of people in my working years. You lay out expectations, and expect them to be executed as designed. Their was a failure there, and ultimately that falls on the HC. And he acted, and now we have a new ST coach. People are having a hard time getting over a rough loss. I understand that. I ask this: how many other teams look more promising than our Bills?
  24. I thought it was pretty obvious, but I’m happy to try to make it more clear. My first question was “what is your point?” He wanted to complain, just to complain, it appears. I think he knows it’s stupid to come out and say we should replace our coaches based upon how the last game ended. That feels like childish ranting. I don’t want to speak for him, but without an answer, I just have to guess. If you think McD “gets a pass” but you wouldn’t rule anything out if he goes one and done in the playoffs next year, I respectfully suggest you are also out of touch with reality. We have one of the most highly regarded front offices and coaching staffs in the league. Yep, things went sideways at the end, but adults who see the big picture will be making the decisions. Look at what you assumed in bold. You ASSUMED the playoffs! Something we missed out on for almost two decades! Nobody is perfect, and we should all strive to learn and get better every year at everything we do. McD has earned my respect, and we are fortunate to have him.
  25. You didn’t answer my two questions.
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