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Everything posted by Augie

  1. John Ruggiero’s house. I worked with him for years. They spell it Ruggiero but pronounce it Ruggerio. When I pointed out he mispronounces his own last name, he just shrugged. 🤷‍♂️
  2. This is NOT my area of expertise (I’m still searching for that), but the one I watched and focused on was Evan Neal. Mostly because ‘Bama is always on TV, but also because it was somewhat amusing watching him out there. A guy big enough to make the rest of the Alabama team and the rest of the SEC look like the JV is fascinating to me. I’ll read to see what the rest have to say, but Neal just jumps off the screen because of his size. He always looked solid when I watched, but I have no idea how he compares to the others in terms of talent and value. I think the Jags franchised their LT last year. They could get both better and cheaper with Neal. I know protecting their QB seems like a nice plan before he gets ruined or killed. Rough rookie year for Trevor. .
  3. A better title would be: Cole Beasley Given Permission to Find Out Nobody Wants to Pay Him All That Money.
  4. There were different levels of what was acceptable, apparently. I never went to BBMB, but I seem to recall a difficult transition. I read now from the BBMB folks it was the Wild, Wild West, and TBD was not having that. I could be wrong, but that is the way I recall the transition. I’m open to the views of others here…….
  5. Sorry, I disagree. I think there was a difficult migration period, but we gained a LOT of great posters. Hats off to the mods for managing that difficult period, but there are people here now I would miss if they left.
  6. Not much would surprise me with that franchise/owner.
  7. Not sure how the link matches the title (maybe I quit too soon?), but the projected content appears to deflate a lot of TBD dreams. .
  8. I dislike the injury issue. I HATE the cost both in terms of any draft pick, and especially the salary cap hit.
  9. It seems this thread has taken a wrong turn somewhere along the way! I have a friend who went to UGA and went back to Athens to be in his buddies wedding. The Groom drove like three blocks from the reception to the hotel……… and got a DUI on his wedding night! YIKES! Bad start there!
  10. You didn’t like the Tuesday game vs the Mystery Opponents? Yeah, I’m with ya’ there. .
  11. I suspect it was rough on the Mods for a while there. I have to give them credit for welcoming all the new folks while establishing expectations. In the end, a lot of great new posters came from that.
  12. I’m sure Tre would give him a giant hug on the podium when they lifted the Lombardi Trophy together. I hope people don’t judge me on my worst moment in life. That wouldn’t be pretty. Gronk is a pro who does nothing but win. I, personally, can get over it. With all due respect, I think the drafting of Torell Troup is the unforgivable sin here.
  13. Golf is ideal for you. You don’t have to be speedy, and cheating is part of the program.
  14. I think you are probably close…….if we just have you run a 20 yard dash. But can you beat Rich Eisen? That is what enquiring minds want to know!
  15. Augie

    Would ya?

    She can help you get your limbs off. This seems like a match made in Heaven! This is a case where @Just Jack might want to adjust the title. Would ya? Or would ya survive to tell the tale?
  16. Throw in an 8 track with your full collection of tapes to close the deal! Make it happen! I seriously have to wonder what happened to him!
  17. Well, he’s certainly fast enough! My main question is WHY he produced so little. I was curious about him coming out of college, and would have expected more. How are his routes? Hands? Coverage awareness? Or is he just fast?
  18. I thought it was silly when they drafted him where they did. I don’t want to pay him now that he’s all dinged up. If he didn’t cost a single draft pick I’d have reservations about the salary. But I would kick the tires. You can get good RB’s in all rounds. If my son were the best athlete capable of a high level college program and possibly a professional career, I’d lead him towards WR if possible. Twenty years ago that was different, but times change.
  19. From the best advice thread: Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. Some of those throwbacks are absolutely hideous! The Steelers have some awful stuff too. The Bumblebee stuff should be banned. I wonder if the players are embarrassed in some of those unis? They should be.
  20. Do NOT get me started! No, no Popeye’s is NOT on my list! Well, they are on A list. It’s a $&^% list. Permanently. I will forward my therapy invoices directly to you, thank you very much!
  21. I’m in Publix almost every day. (I have no idea what I’ll want for dinner tomorrow!) It’s kind of like a Hampton Inn, nothing special buy reliable. Last trip to WNY for a game I went with the family into a Wegman’s. It was part tailgate shopping/part tourist attraction. We all enjoyed the experience, which is a VERY strange thing to say. I’m not sure if I’ve ever had a Publix sub, but they must be very popular based on the length of the line mid-day. But I’d be willing to bet Wegman’s would be my sub of choice.
  22. Instead, The Pats* were awarded an extra comp pick, and that is where the tradition started. (My apologies, sometimes I can’t help myself.)
  23. That sounds like a very successful pay-per-view!
  24. If it’s a “special brownie”, that might be a deal, and you get to eat your dessert first! Then DEVOUR the rest.
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