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Everything posted by Augie

  1. I think plenty of people have called him a bust in relation to his draft position. They didn’t say he wasn’t adequate, but that he wasn’t worth where he was drafted. Pretty sure about that one. Semantics? He’s played well enough that I want to see him stick around, for sure! .
  2. My sister had very long hair when she was young. It saved her life. We were at some quarry or lake with a giant wood float in the middle. Somebody jumped on her, knocked her in the head and knocked her out. Somebody else saw a long pony tail floating out from under the raft. He reached down and pulled on it. And eventually my sister appeared. We are all lucky to have made it this far!
  3. True, and they have a much tougher call to make. He’s NOT Josh, and he missed the end of last season…..for the exact reason we all suspected he’d miss time. Hope the price of QB’s keeps rising, now that we have OURS! Cripple those rosters with cap problems!
  4. He only found them because he was looking for your wallet. It was a complete accident!
  5. Anything that is NOT Manhattan is upstate, according to many people. We used to swim in the quarries in Canada…..after dropping by the beer stores. Good times!
  6. I know it’s unpopular (and extremely painful), but that last game vs the Chiefs might have been the best football game I’ve ever witnessed. Josh to Gabe just kept getting better and better. But then….. 😱 You have to be able to put the ending aside, but even that just goes to make it more memorable. Hopefully, a few Super Bowl trophies from now, we will look back on that game as the the last step of our growing into a truly Championship team.
  7. I’m glad we signed Josh early, thereby saving serious money. I know how crazy that sounds given the size of his deal, but it’s true. Now, let’s do the same with Diggs. These guys who think that just because they are NEXT means they should get the MOST, might just be correct to an insane degree. I’ll take Josh over these guys all day long.
  8. Would the undrafted Jason Peter be a TE, ST or the eventual LT? The draft is a crap shoot. It’s where you just have to be a little better than the rest of the crowd. Nobody gets it right every time.
  9. I could not count the number of times my son texted me: STOP THROWING BUBBLE SCREENS BEHIND SANDERS!!! Beasley was not alone. This would be a nice area to improve.
  10. If you like this story, you should look into the John Grisham book Playing For Pizza. A guy blows an unblowable game keeping the Browns out of the Super Bowl and ends up playing semi-pro in Italy. Funny read, great book, IMO. I highly recommend it.
  11. How awful! So sad. Prayers to him and the family.
  12. I’m hoping for fewer designed runs for Josh. It’s great when it works….until…..ya know….I can’t even think about it! 😱 Let’s have a more traditional running game, for the most part. Maybe a Snickers bar would help?
  13. You went from texts “to prove that he will not be coming back ”to “sounds like” he will not be back. Don’t move the goal posts on us. It’s a crap shoot, like with every other player in free agency. They all have interest at different levels with different teams at different costs. We wait, and we will see. EDIT: I wonder if Harrison’s “best friend” is the same guy Harrison would say is HIS best friend. A lot of guys like to cling on. .
  14. I haven’t been to the movies in years. You might be able to guess why. I was looking at my local theater just a few days ago (it’s next to my favorite wine shop) and wondering when I would go back. Now I’ll start looking for something I want to see. It’s been interesting to see how many “big names” have done stuff that goes straight to streaming. The world keeps changing! Get used to it!
  15. No. No I don’t. I’ll wait and see how it plays out.
  16. I advised @Chef Jim not to live directly on the golf course, but……you know. 🤷‍♂️ I lived on the 10th green of the Harbor Town course in Hilton Head right out of college. The green was in the backyard behind a string of four townhouses. I was leaving for work early one morning and went out to my car in open parking in front of the units. I come around to the drivers side to open my door and am shocked to see a guy on his knees trying to reach under my car with a club to retrieve his ball. It’s hard to describe how far away from the green that was. If I hit a ball THAT BADLY I just keep moving. I’m not sure if I’ve EVER hit a ball that bad, and like most of the population, I pretty much SUCK. I’m not good, but I’m not slow either. Last balls I bought was an 80-pack of used balls on line. I don’t get too attached to any one ball. BTW - My personal best is hitting not 1, not 2, but 3 (THREE!) different houses on the same shot. It was a rare hook (I’m like most people, more of a slicer) and hit the roof of a patio home, the roof of the NEXT patio home, and the side of the third home. Impressive, I know! I’ve lived on three different courses. Do so at your own peril. .
  17. I have no idea who it will be, but I see them adding another vet like Beasley, John Brown, Sanders, etc. Guys who have been around the block you know can contribute for 2-3 years. With that and a new guy or two will will be fine. Hopefully one of the young guys like Hodgins or Stevenson will make a leap and surprise us, but I’m not counting on it.
  18. We are 7 houses in, NONE were new builds. My dream is to build exactly what we want one day, but then I look at all the decisions in just a kitchen or bath remodel…..and I have second thoughts.
  19. I have to agree, though an entire paragraph with a single period is also noteworthy! I apologize, it’s Friday night for me too! 😋
  20. But, but, but…..Jerruh is a genius! He has almost as many playoff wins in the last 25 years as Tom Brady…….as a Buc.
  21. It’s nice when it works out! My advice? Never fall for the home warranty when you buy a house. We bought a house with an older AC unit I knew would fail. I argued to get the sales price down, and for a variety of reasons caved and accepted a home warranty instead. HOT GARBAGE! There was like a $200 deductible every time they showed up to top it off with Freon. They would top it off until the end of time, like several times a week, but it was clear there would NEVER be a replacement in my future. Here’s your NEW best advice: Never count on a home warranty to do you any good.
  22. John Ruggiero’s house. I worked with him for years. They spell it Ruggiero but pronounce it Ruggerio. When I pointed out he mispronounces his own last name, he just shrugged. 🤷‍♂️
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