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Everything posted by Augie

  1. Can you wear a fluorescent vest or something, so people know who to throw at? 😋
  2. I learned the hard way to be in the left lane going over the Sunshine Skyway Bridge to Tampa. Big bridge cruise ships pass under, if only by a few feet, and I’ve seen it from both perspectives. But the vertigo can be terrifying! I had a bad episode one time at a condo on the Gulf of Mexico dangerously close to the waves. I was at least 15 floors up, you could see no sand beneath you, only shades of blue and white and green that blended together. I had to step away. I get that now.
  3. I’m sorry, I couldn’t finish that. I started shaking when you said Grand Island and I had flashbacks of driving a big car on a little bridge to and from there at the age of 16. It seemed unreasonable for my skill level, at the time.
  4. Ahhh, and to think……these are the good old days! 😋 My wife loves her express pass, but I never bothered to get one. I try to stay off these highways. Ugh
  5. What would REALLY suck is if it was YOUR house on fire! 😂
  6. I’m less than a mile OTP in the Vinings area and close to everything (I had lunch in Buckhead yesterday and today), and I don’t pay your ridiculous taxes! Who’s the winner now? 😂 Oddly, when you turn 62 in Cobb County you no longer have to pay the school board portion of your property tax. That was about 2/3 of my already cheap Cobb County taxes going away. We had a place in Fulton County and the taxes are one reason we no longer have it. Just the city tax was over $400/month! And yes, Atlanta in general is very affordable considering the business center that it is. Also, Tyrod has a very nice house. I promise, money and good taste do not always run together. .
  7. He’s at about the age when the frontal lobe starts to come together. I used to think that was silly business, but I’ve come to believe there really is something to it. Who knows? Time will tell. Whatever it is, if he can get his act together and realize his potential, that would be very helpful!
  8. Almost as much as your StubHub fees to see the game? 🤷‍♂️ .
  9. This may get me in hot water with some folks, but have you ever noticed that homes in WNY, even the expensive ones, are generally a bit less tasteful than in many other areas. I know I’m out of market now, but I spend a lot of free time looking at listings in other markets, including WNY.
  10. I suggest you pick a season where we are not playing in London or Germany.
  11. Do you ever get confused and pull up to his place by mistake? AGAIN???
  12. I’m afraid I would go straight to Hospice. 😂
  13. I visited my sister in Appleton the week before the game and I can’t tell you how many people saw me walking around Appleton in Bills gear the week before the game who said “welcome to Wisconsin.” Apparently that’s a thing, because I just kept hearing it. Years ago I went to the first weekend of March Madness in Orlando. There was a big group of Wisconsin guys who pick a warm weather site every March and travel as a mob. I bought a couple of them a pitcher of beer the first night and I was an honorary Wisconsinite for the weekend. 😂 Those guys were a BLAST! We won a SB trip (vs Redskins in Minneapolis) and I’m glad I went once. That was a while ago, but the bus full of German guys with backpacks full of beer were not sterile or corporate! 😂 I don’t need to go again.
  14. Lambeau the stadium is nothing special, but I thought the area was pretty cool. You’re driving around in this residential neighborhood and all of a sudden there is a stadium surrounded by what could be Cheektowaga. It was a like a space ship had just landed there, looking out of place. It’s a little like what I remember about going to the Rockpile. Instead of leveling everything and creating huge parking lots like in OP, everybody parks and tailgates in people’s yards. Houses have signs in their yards saying “PARK & PEE $20”. The price goes up as you get closer to the stadium. They either bring in porta-potties or let you into the house to use the bathroom. I’ve never seen anything quite like it before, so I enjoyed a different experience. But again, nothing special about the stadium itself. BTW - I’d love to see Wrigley and Fenway once, and I don’t even like baseball. .
  15. It’s not a game, or even a Super Bowl, and it will never happen, but sitting in the war room for a Bills draft is the coolest football thing I can think of.
  16. Thanks, I was very skeptical looking at some of those numbers, but failed to put the 3 day total into my mental equation. I think back about the coolest one I recall, in Nashville which we are familiar with, and your numbers make more sense. EDIT: I’ve been gone too long to have any clue, but would it be just as easy to do it somewhere around downtown? .
  17. They might be playing the long game with lighter fluid futures. 🤷‍♂️
  18. If it rains it could be greater than Woodstock! I have no idea where WNY could put that many people, but I’d love to see them try. We’ll never have a Super Bowl, that’s fine. Having a draft is a reasonable consolation prize imo.
  19. Mike Brown should probably have a physician present when it’s time to stroke those checks, if he can get up the gumption.
  20. If this leads to your divorce, well…….I could live with that! 😋 EDIT: I kid, of course. Mostly…… .
  21. Never. I worked with a guy who called everyone “guy”. Like “hey, guy, how you doing?” He just couldn’t remember other people’s names.
  22. Hopefully this results in an absolutely lousy team that has an early draft pick in the second round for us to use. 😋
  23. Are you referring to the wrist injury sustained week 5 that he tried to play thru for several weeks before going on IR when it finally required surgery? Is that your minor injury or is that a preventable nagging injury? 🙄
  24. Am I allowed to laugh at that? 🤷‍♂️
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