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Everything posted by Augie

  1. Never. I worked with a guy who called everyone “guy”. Like “hey, guy, how you doing?” He just couldn’t remember other people’s names.
  2. Hopefully this results in an absolutely lousy team that has an early draft pick in the second round for us to use. 😋
  3. Are you referring to the wrist injury sustained week 5 that he tried to play thru for several weeks before going on IR when it finally required surgery? Is that your minor injury or is that a preventable nagging injury? 🙄
  4. Am I allowed to laugh at that? 🤷‍♂️
  5. So, I suppose you mean something more than a kerfuffle.
  6. This is something I actually know something about. I used to say the volume estimators were complete garbage, but now I just say they are complete garbage. If you have never been inside a house, you have no idea what it is worth. It could be a pristine palace, or a tear down worth just the dirt, and they are guessing toward the middle. Don’t buy old pics. There are reasons the Appraisal Institute changed their definition from an “opinion of value” (as it was known) to an “estimate of value”. Computers can’t have opinions, and people wanted to make money. EDIT: But that football guy is a speedy but soft twig. 😋 There, I did my best to get back on track. .
  7. He would get hurt, as would several guys behind him on the depth chart. It’s just how we roll…….
  8. I sure hope he’s not carpooling with Klein!
  9. Sounds like a Scrabble miracle!
  10. The world is strange enough that it just might be the most expensive SB ever in such a great city and being the first of it’s kind. EDIT: And NO, it will NOT happen. .
  11. The bold brings up an interesting point. We take for granted all the constant coverage the NFL gets these days, but there was a time when it was very difficult to follow your team if you were out of that market. So many people have left WNY as Bills fans, then struggled to find ways to keep up with them. I used to go to Chili’s for lunch on Tuesdays because they would have a USA Today on the bar and the sports section would have a sentence or two about every team. We had no internet. I would go to awful, dark and smoky bars to watch on a projection screen. If any light came in you couldn’t see anything. It wasn’t this easy to be a BIlls fan back then……and that might have been a healthier lifestyle for me! 😂
  12. No comment here other than London is actually 5 hours ahead of EST. I’m watching the French Open now, and Paris is 6 hours ahead.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-pxMm_UdY4 He’s no Garo Yepremian!
  14. I never had a chance. I was born the month the Bills were born. We had season tix to the Rockpile. I’d walk home from school with my buddy in 3rd grade to Jack Kemp’s house. My sister would babysit for Butch Byrd and we’d watch games on TV at his house. I’d trade player cards with his son. My mother played bridge with Lou Saban’s wife. We lived around the corner from OJ. But just being born in WNY is enough to have done the trick. .
  15. You don’t count as a full unit if you live west of the Mississippi. Sorry! 😋 You’ll find……
  16. Don’t forget “space and stuff”.
  17. I meant the one that could actually tell time.
  18. But first, I think Big Ben would look nice somewhere in the Midwest.
  19. That’s exactly who I was trying to think of. Another set of eyes to catch shady stuff seems like it wouldn’t be a bad thing.
  20. He should have had that thing immunized.
  21. We had friends with one in Sarasota. Smart dog, and they were lucky to be on a big lot.
  22. May I add, a man of presumably lesser character as he trotted in gloating for the crowd waiving the ball around for the swatting. Don was doing his job.
  23. She is my 8th (EIGHTH!) Golden, and the first one I think would take the short bus to obedience class. The first 7 would learn pretty quickly what gets you a head swat! She’s going to make up for it with sweetness, like a child with a disability. I’m confident of that. She’s just a slow learner. Excuse me…..I have to go say another prayer now.
  24. So, you’ve already decided? I was going to wait and watch some football games before doing that. I’m on record as having expected way more from Davis last year, and I was wrong. I saw Diggs look like he was hurt or he quit mid season, and having to wonder which it was bothers me. I want guys who try and can catch. Maybe we have that, if not an elite WR. Unless we surprise this year with the WR’s, I expect it to be a high priority again next year. But I’ll wait and see what happens.
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