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Everything posted by Augie

  1. ….and then he will break again.
  2. I’d be OK with the Dolphins giving him $70 Mil.
  3. That’s exactly why I don’t go to pool halls anymore.
  4. An argument could also be made that if you are top 5, then you get an A. I’m with the B+/A- crowd, and I’m confident he’s top 10. I also agree that we need to get some special, game changing difference makers to go with the solid players. Kincaid may become that type of guy.
  5. Well, then I guess I’m qualified to be a “journalist”. 😋
  6. So, his play has not been diminutive? Did I do that right?
  7. It’s simple. Sammy failed to account for the curvature of the Earth when tracking in passes. You can’t win that way.
  8. I’ll have no ideas other than those of other people until we start playing actual football in the Fall. I can’t get wrapped up in a few days in June, but you obviously hope for good news. The big thing for me during all team activities before the opener is “DON’T GET HURT!”
  9. I think we know who’s on the top of the list, and we want to spend more time figuring out who the last guys are, so they get some time with the ones. That seems simple. 🤷‍♂️ .
  10. I was never sure if he had the yips, or was injured. The yips don’t take away distance, so I have to think he was dinged up with a groin or back type of nagging injury. Hoping he bounces back and becomes Mr Automatic again.
  11. Off to Macy’s to see if they have any leftover winter stuff on sale………
  12. I think we should give him a bit more time, he’s just about to turn the corner with this team. What he really needs is a top flight coach like Rex Ryan.
  13. But other than that……that is one big, agile human!
  14. The man is a legend. Dan Patrick is torn up and needed to be bailed out a bit. RIP
  15. After watching the games and reviewing the stats, I think he has a healthy lead over Mini Max Anderson. He’s not top 5, but the game has changed and his skill set could launch him in the next couple years. .
  16. Florida has them as part of a plan to have the tourists and seasonal residents pay as much as possible to make the load lighter on residents. There was an expressway built on Hilton Head Island to speed things up, especially in hurricane evacuations. Without it there was one way in/out. They had a toll to pay for it and it was a shortcut, but a bit of a hassle. They forgot to remove the tolls when the project was paid for, and eventually somebody caught on. Now I see it as a scenic highway over the lowcountry.
  17. I don’t often quote myself, but we had a friend whose dad was the high school basketball coach way back when. She grew up with it, so it was natural to her. Giant men who might scare her teenage friends would show up at the front door. I noted that whenever he showed up at the gym, he always got respect. My son was on an AAU team with a kid who was a STAR, dunking in 8th grade and getting offers. Started in the ACC as a freshman. His dad was a local hoops hero, and a well liked teacher. I found myself in a gym with the father of my son’s AAU stud, and the father of our close friend. I tried to introduce them, but the dad stopped me with “I know him, this man saved my life.”
  18. I’m not an expert on the Steelers, but it feels like the GM has not given him a fair chance.
  19. I think he was counting on bad reading comprehension with this crowd, and he was hoping his victims would show up high at noon. Details. It’s all in the details.
  20. Yep, and in some circles the Dad is the real star of the family.
  21. ….which is one reason I no longer watch the NBA, even the Finals, but love college hoops.
  22. I don’t like the poll options as you are going to present them.
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