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Everything posted by Augie

  1. If something makes somebody else happy, and it’s not hurting anyone in any way, why the hell should I care?
  2. To be accurate, I clicked on the thread but not the link. Sometimes I actually draw the line on links.
  3. Don’t sell us short! We will trash him now for not doing it sooner. We can trash him for paying too much in compensation. We can trash him…oh hell, I don’t have time to do the whole list….. …
  4. Click Bait. Proposed trades are the worst kind of click bait.
  5. I’m not arguing, because I have no idea, but where did you get this impression? This is the first I’ve heard it. Do you have a link or anything? Maybe I missed it and this is common knowledge, or maybe this is how things get started.
  6. There’s a little part of that in all of us. Except the people who secretly hope for 0-17. 😋
  7. I think 4-5 is about right, so I went with 1-4. I like our offseason more than most and I’m strangely intrigued by our draft. What I’m most interested in is to see who votes 9-32. I’ve got a few posters in mind who might be the first to tell you how awful we are.
  8. Augie

    Matt Araiza

    Games? It felt like seasons! It got him to the Pro Bowl, where he learned a major lesson in Keep Your Head On A Swivel. 😱 I liked the Maytag Repairman kind of punter, but a kicker getting worn out making PAT’s.
  9. As mentioned, I took my oldest to a Bills home game when he turned 16. He had been to a Bills game in Tampa just a few weeks earlier. At the tailgate I asked him how a game in OP compared to a game in Tampa. He struggled to find words to describe what a different creature a Bills home game is. His fandom was cemented.
  10. The world is changing. The advent of AI is going to eliminate all kinds of things, most of which I can’t even imagine. People who can weld or plumb a house will be more valuable.
  11. That is awesome! Many of my favorite memories were from the gym or a field somewhere. That was our life for about a decade, the wife would get one boy to his game while I got the other where he needed to be. I hardly saw my wife on the weekends sometimes, as a lot of this was AAU/travel team stuff. I loved it when they had success because it made them so happy. But I honestly believe the very best of those times was at the hotel pool with a stack of pizzas after a day of games. The kids are laughing and playing, the parents are having drinks poolside, and life was good. I saw the Tom Brady tuck rule fumble at a poolside bar in Ft Myers with a bunch of parents who became close friends. I remember it like yesterday. Those were good times for sure. Next will be seeing the grandkids play. Life marches on. .
  12. So, I’m walking around Costco with my wife this morning when my phone rings. The caller ID says something it hasn’t said in more than 6 years, my son is calling. The son who passed away in 2018. I froze, and rushed over to show my wife the caller ID. Now we are both frozen. I’m almost confused about what to do, but I answered. Some lady now has his old phone number and was looking for a guy named Leo. Or, Michael just wanted me to hear from him on Father’s Day.
  13. The first thing that comes to mind is taking both boys to a Bills home game when they turned 16. It was a special father/son trip to see their first game in Buffalo. The way other fans opened up to us and begged us to attend their tailgates showed both my sons what it’s like to be a Bills fan. It was bigger than life, much like when my father first took me thru the gates at the Rockpile. You never forget it.
  14. I don’t often make lists, or fire people if it is arguable that they might be top 5 out of 32.
  15. I’ve read a bunch of Baldacci’s other stuff, which is why this one stood out so much. There is some meat to this one. .
  16. Okay, here I am quoting myself but I’m a good bit into the Baldacci book I bought above (almost halfway). A Calamity of Souls does not fall into my usual cheesy commercial empty book calories. It’s about a white lawyer in 1960’s Virginia defending a Black guy for killing a wealthy old white couple, so basically it’s about racism. I guess I grew up sheltered, but it’s shocking to me that these things happened in my lifetime. Baldacci said it was a project he had been working on over a decade, and I’m glad he finally finished it and I happened to pick it up off the table at Costco.
  17. Augie

    Matt Araiza

    Yeah, he just catches and kicks a ball. It’s not really an issue for him that everyone around him is bigger and faster than they used to be. It’s actually irrelevant unless he has to get involved with a tackle for some reason, and that is not supposed to happen.
  18. Augie

    Matt Araiza

    Life can be tricky and unpredictable. Things happen and we make the best decisions we can in the moment. Nobody wins here, but I’m glad this young man is getting his shot, even if it’s with the Chiefs. I can’t fault the Bills organization for how they handled the situation. They had an entire team to get ready for a season.
  19. So….you are hoping to date Bill Belichick? You are about the right age. 😋
  20. If she keeps him out of the massage parlors, that’s probably a good thing for almost everybody but TMZ.
  21. I saw that as an opportunity, as well. @FireChans Come on, this will be fun!!! Just once? 😂
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