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Everything posted by Augie

  1. You know, I’ll behave myself here, but I’m chuckling at the response in my mind. I don’t want to take this dive any deeper.
  2. I didn’t remember that episode of Cheers.
  3. Interesting. In the NBA the player is at the top of the food chain. In the NFL you can’t get over a terrible owner.
  4. ….and some guys up front to block for him. Josh being the monster he is covers up a lot of faults.
  5. Oh boy, sounds like Santa didn’t bring you a new ashtray.
  6. As much as I respect what Burrow can do with the right support, I never feared the Bengals long term. Mike Brown would find a way to make their window brief.
  7. I have this crazy memory of Paul McGuire punting a ball at the Rockpile that got caught in the wind and landed right about where he kicked it from. One of the craziest football things I’ve ever seen!
  8. Bengals in the blizzard as a kid at the Rockpile. A complete whiteout! We had to listen to someone’s transistor radio to have any idea what was happening on the field. That was AWESOME!!! .
  9. Was it Kevin Garnett with the Timberwolves who got the big contract, and the owner said “I paid less than that to own the team!” Things are upside down in the NBA with the players making ridiculous salaries (fair market, not complaining about that) and having too much control (not a fan of that).
  10. Bob Kauffman lived behind us and my sister would babysit their infant, a lot! I guess the wife was going to the games, so I get it. She was very tall, and he was about 6’8” I think. I’m guessing that is one tall human now! He would goof around with us at the neighborhood basket. Great guy! At one point my family split season tickets with another family. That’s plenty. That was back when you could afford to be near the floor, they actually tried their hardest and you could hear the squeaking of the sneakers one the court. Thanks mom and dad, those were awesome times! EDIT: We had a crazy night out with Sven in Nashville one time. I have only a vague memory of how it happened, but it might have been after a fundraiser and the drinking just kept going. How I ended up going home with a bag of his secret spice rub is still a mystery to me. It felt like a drug deal was going down! 😂 .
  11. Savings Private Ryan made an early impression. That was a bit more “real” than expected. Jaws took on a life of its own.
  12. I had a calculus professor who was the Dean of the math department. He loved his math to the point that he made it impossible to understand. I got a D, which implied that I had learned something, but that was misleading. The only thing I had learned was how to get to the classroom. I had to take it over again with Father Eisenhower, a/k/a Easy Ike. I was giddy when I realized how simple the class was going to be. It took me a while to realize that this was the exact same crap the Dean had made seem impossible. I also took Sociology for Sports from the Dean of the Dept. I needed an elective, it sounded fun and not too difficult, and there were basketball players in the class. How hard could it be? Very, as it turns out. The lesson I learned was avoid the Dean of any Department! I had a finance professor who had everyone’s info on separate index cards. The card had your name, major, year and any other little notes she might make. She would have a person go up to the board and start a problem. A few steps in she would pull a card and say “OK, Mr Jones, please step up to the board and take over from there.” Sometimes people did a problem differently than I did, and I couldn’t just “pick up” where they left off. She got called into the hallway one day, and I went up with another guy and we pulled our cards from her stack. Problem solved, I never got called on again. I did have to change majors however, as I had two required classes left and she was the only person teaching them. Yes, I showed her! .
  13. Both would be pure gold!
  14. I give you credit for reading that far.
  15. I’m not sold on drafting the son of his father. Can we find a way to send that crap to Dallas? Please?
  16. Unless it’s the Super Bowl MVP, I care very little. What does Lamar have to show for being a 2 time MVP?
  17. Do they still play the NBA All-Star game? What a joke! At least the NFL abandoned their farce. EDIT: I have an idea! Merge this with the Christmas Drink thread and we might be onto something! That might help! .
  18. That is what restaurants usually do. One of the first things you learn in banking is do not lend to restaurants, or lend unsecured to developers. There are exceptions of course, but they are rare. Sorry to hear that for him, but nobody should be shocked.
  19. That might have been me in the game thread. They had a thing there for the game, and I clicked on it only to start with the pregame garbage. It only went 4x on the FF and it was annoying as hell. After halftime it was more normal. If there was a better way to go right to the game, they didn’t make it obvious enough. That’s on them, not us. EDIT: Similar situation, I was trying to get Dan Patrick on Peacock. If you go to search and put in Dan Patrick it lists all the past episodes. Friday’s episode does me little good on a Monday after a weekend of games. You’d think if you search for “Dan Patrick”, it would include the live show, but no. You have to go to the guide and look under channels. They do not do a good job of presenting a user friendly solution. .
  20. I saw some video of Oscar Robinson playing in his early days. I’ve seen 5th graders who looked like they had a better handle, but Oscar wasn’t allowed to carry the ball. It’s a world of difference. Don’t get me started on traveling……
  21. Cut the season in half so guys might care at least a little bit. Too many games means they don’t matter very much. It will never happen ($$$), but if you go watch the Cav’s play in Charlotte on a Tuesday night in January the lack of effort can jump out at you. It jumped out to my son in the first couple minutes. “They’re not even trying!” Yep. I don’t even watch the NBA Finals anymore.
  22. I don’t see it here either, so it must be in one of the many other threads about the same stuff. Some of the smarter football people here have pointed out that without a legit threat on the boundary teams can cheat their safeties and coverages inside and clog up the middle. Cooper may not be perfect, but he has to be respected and that leaves more room to work for the other guys in the rest of the field. Just a couple steps can matter. There are much better descriptions elsewhere, but I think that is the basic idea.
  23. The internet isn’t what it used to be.
  24. Let’s make it interesting. An hour with Aaron Rodgers or an enema? This should have been a poll!
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