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Everything posted by Augie

  1. Is there any evidence of the bold? That sounds like quite a stretch. What is this based upon? Because her sister got a stake in the team? This is complicated stuff. I don’t recall any negative feedback after she wrote about her mother. I actually thought it was very well done.
  2. It’s funny, I obviously remember Moulds but he played in my media blind spot. He played during that time where I was gone from WNY and we were just starting to have the ability to follow a team from out of market. I wish I had seen more.
  3. I’m sorry I missed that. They might be the most likable doubles team ever.
  4. Awesome news! I hated that she had to miss the French Open, but I’m glad she’s well again! If she wants to become more involved with the Bills, that opportunity will come soon enough. She’s on the back nine of her tennis career, unfortunately, but it’s been a great one! So much for all the people who think it’s just a little rich girl’s hobby. She is a world class athlete, period.
  5. The Chiefs heard “kick in the door” and their ears perked up. Sounds like someone to look into! 😋 It’s a transition year. We let a lot of older and well known names walk. I don’t care what he thinks, we have a lot of good young talent to fill in. We just need to find an elite player or two and add them to the mix.
  6. Well, you came here asking for advice, so I’m sure the Priscoe thing was not an isolated incident. 😋
  7. Allen has the huge arm obviously, but is the accuracy of his deep ball really his strength? They aren’t ALL dropped, and it seems very few are successful. I’m sure there are stats for that somewhere. I prefer when he uses that big arm making magical things happen more in the intermediate range. .
  8. I thought he’d be bigger. Stay healthy and pray for the over.
  9. I think he meant atrii? 🤷‍♂️ .
  10. Yes, we travel very well. It helps that we have outposts or “hubs” all over the country! WE are America’s Team! 😋
  11. …and we’re not sure what he’s got left at all. He’s not just a year older, he’s TWO years older than the last time we saw him really play football. We have no idea what he was capable of LAST year. But I hope he’s having a nice trip. .
  12. I’d have to go with the Jets, despite Rodgers’ age and injury. I didn’t think Tua would be able to finish last season, and I need to see more before I can think of him as sufficiently durable. Between that and the noodle arm, I’m looking at that Jets D and it can make me a bit nervous.
  13. That’s amazing! Very cool. My son couldn’t carry me that far I’m afraid.
  14. It would have been fun to see him play Bill Walton. 😂 EDIT: as a character, or as a Rich Eisen style sporting challenge. .
  15. I remember watching the Italian Job with our boys at home. Good movie, good memory.
  16. I had a tennis buddy who was an Assistant DA. He said the head guy used to work for him in private practice, but he had some skeletons in the closet so they flipped rolls. Anyway, he was found loving one of his co-workers on his desk at the Christmas Party. Yeah, that ended that….back to private practice he went.
  17. Still remember seeing Kelly’s Heroes at the drive-in in Hamburg with our next door neighbors. That’s the first role I thought of, but there are so many. Positive vibes!!!
  18. Wow, what a loss. He played some great roles, and made the most of them. RIP
  19. I think we’ve found all the people who left WNY! 😂 We moved to Sarasota in 1993, and my parents came to visit. We went to dinner Saturday night and my parents ran into a couple they used to work with. We went to church Sunday morning and they ran into more people they knew. I then take him to a serious dive bar to see the Bills game on giant projection screens and the place is almost pitch black. (Cabana Inn for anyone familiar.) My dad stands up to go to the restroom and bumps into a guy he hadn’t seen since high school 50 years earlier! And somehow they recognized each other in the dark after all that time. That was all within 24 hours.
  20. Throw in Solomon with 15 sacks and we got this easy. I may have a fever, don’t hold me to this. 😋 He really is a guy I am strangely intrigued to see play.
  21. I wore a Bills shirt on a cruise one time. You’ve probably seen the blue tee shirt with the red buffalo on the chest. Someone came up and said something about the Bills, and an older lady who was part of our group said “Oh, that explains it, I thought you must really like your Red Bull!” .
  22. Living in Atlanta I may or may not get a Go Bills. We were in Hilton Head a few weeks ago and I got 5-6 one day. The next day I saw a guy with a Bills hat and he said he’d had 5-6 people already give him a Go Bills. I told him that sounded about right. We were in Italy last year taking a small boat with 4-5 other couples to and around Capri. We are all aboard, but one couple is running late and we have to sit in the marina until they showed up. I try to be very punctual, to the point of erring on getting there stupidly early, so I’m getting annoyed. The last couple arrives, and he’s wearing a Bills shirt. No more angst, we hit it off! I saw a young boy last week wearing a Falcons shirt in ATL, a somewhat rare sighting. It occurred to me that I may see as much Bills gear in ATL as I do Falcons gear. You’ll see UGA, GT or ‘Bama stuff everywhere, but the Falcons are an afterthought.
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