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Everything posted by Augie

  1. Sure, so let’s start over by replacing the winningest coach in team history (by %) and 2nd in wins in the last 4-5 years. THAT makes sense. We’ve been decimated by unfortunate injuries at inopportune times. Not making excuses, but it’s a fact. And I’m not excusing McD, because he’s played a part in the gaffes. But almost every fanbase in ther league would be thrilled to see him in charge. Wasting years, IMO, is what you do by starting over. .
  2. I’m sorry, but you’re being serious, right? Sometimes it’s hard to tell.
  3. Fair enough. Maybe not healthy, but certainly fair. I thought dangling a dome would soften you. I know it would warm my heart.
  4. This is a roster built to do what McD does on defense, so once again maybe an oversimplification. Change in coaching staffs generally leads to changes in schemes, leading to having to re-work the roster. Sure, let’s start over again. Be careful what you wish for.
  5. I’m sorry, it’s not just your post but the entire thread that is forgetting what a complicated thing an NFL football team is. There are hundreds of people working to put out the best team we can. Josh is great, but the rest of the team helps a helluva lot too. The oversimplification gets out of control.
  6. Would you forgive him if he bought you a dome???
  7. He’s earned Hasn’t Done Jack! I think it’s kinda catchy! 😋
  8. According to some guy named Gordon…… 🤷‍♂️
  9. Everybody failed here, the lender and investor. Not all businesses are driven into the ground. I’d honestly love to know how this was structured, because it’s not as simple as the headlines make it sound. We generally also required that the spouse provided a guarantee as well to prevent any shell games. If it’s a really strong deal the borrower can shop it for the best terms, and maybe someone will cave and skip the full guarantee to get the deal. Obviously this was not foolproof, and the lender was smart to ask for the guarantee. They took a gamble and provided it to get the financing. I’m curious how many other people are on the hook but don’t have the pockets or name recognition to get included in an article like this. Or was it just him? Did it include the spouse? Other investors? There are a lot of unknowns here.
  10. They had Gruden running the show not too long ago on a CRAZY 10 year deal. They sure can pick ‘em!
  11. As an investor, I would never give an unlimited personal guarantee. As a lender, I would never make the loan without the personal guarantee. That is Lending 101. You don’t give them the money unless you know they are fully committed and can’t just wash their hands and walk away.
  12. I just finished A Calamity of Souls by Baldacci. It was by far the best thing I have read of his. Virginia was still in the deep, sad South in the 60’s. It’s hard to believe it was in my lifetime. I was reading it at lunch and a Black guy sitting next to me asks “what are you reading?” I told him it was about a Black guy accused of killing a wealthy old white couple in the 60’s in Virginia, so basically racism. I couldn’t believe that was happening in my sheltered lifetime. We talked and he was a few years younger than me. He said back then you were on your bike with your friends, just like me. It was a brief but very cool little talk. Nothing was dismissed. If you see the Baldacci name and hate it, this is not entirely different, but it is certainly deeper. .
  13. “……that is the market value.” Well, it seems that is what the market will determine. Pretty simple.
  14. I need to get back into a good stretching regimen. Hope springs eternal! 😋 I’m feeling good about this. I think it’s a better retirement prospect than that of Antonio Brown. My plan has the potential to fail. His plan is designed to fail. Both with equal certainty, I’m afraid.
  15. For the record, I am about the same height and weight as those guys. Those are facts. 😋 .
  16. …..not to mention grown men with families vs boys in the trenches.
  17. Imagining things that never happened is like looking for things to complain about.
  18. I’ll take the under on this one. 😂 Preseason is just slightly more relevant than Sports Illustrated, which I recently learned still exists.
  19. I got as far as Travis Kelce, age 35, then I stopped and smiled. 😋
  20. If he only has one Bill on the list, I’m withholding my click. 😋 .
  21. How many times have we said “we need to get 7 points! We can’t win kicking FG’s!!!”
  22. Sports Illustrated is still around? Who knew? 🤷‍♂️
  23. I haven’t done the math, but it feels like that would only get him until week 3 at halftime. Leaving at halftime is only funny once. .
  24. What if they got the ball deep in our territory due to turnover? They could actually lose yards, and that is still considered a failure? That’s why I don’t like hard and fast rules for “what we need.” Just find a way, and unfortunately a lot of that has to do with health and good old fashion luck.
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