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Everything posted by Augie

  1. I’m not sure if either of them can be nearly the D-Bag Favre was.
  2. I had Polk Audio surround sound at one point, and I was very happy with the performance. Of course, that was a long time ago and I was a virgin to that stuff! But times have changed (rapidly!) and I just hope that all the available options are explored. We have Sonos speakers all over, and you can carry them outside with you. .
  3. We have spent significant money having old speakers and intercoms and other antiquated things removed from our current house. We have WiFi speakers everywhere, and you can turn it on or off by room. Please seriously at least look into that first. Cheaper and more flexible.
  4. Well, for what will look like a cold weather preseason game, it will be interesting to see how that plays out. How much, if any, Von will we see? So, there you go, something interesting about this game. 😊 I don’t gamble, but I’d pluck Evans getting all the opportunities he needs from Baker.
  5. Who are you kidding? You’s do it for $5. Baker will feed him early and often, and the beers are on Evans!
  6. I have a nephew who was in a similar situation. He was the only one to walk away, and the cops said it was because he was driving a Volvo. Just horrible for everyone involved. That event rocked a lot of lives.
  7. That’s how lust seems to go for me, too. 🤷‍♂️
  8. Our son is a quiet, thoughtful young man. He doesn’t say a lot, but he hears everything and stores it away. As a result, he’s an unusually good gift giver. He knows you learn more with your mouth closed, I guess.
  9. I don’t shop for gifts for my wife anymore. In the early days I’d go out and guess what she might like. The truth is, I have no idea which clothes or earrings she might want. If she wants something, she has it delivered to our door. More than half I end up taking back to the UPS Store. It works for us. This year we went clothes shopping for me together. She’s helpful to shop with, but I’m there to veto anything I don’t like. I told her I wanted to shop with her FOR HER. She said all she wanted was a TV for the bedroom, so this afternoon we’ll go pick up the 55” Frame TV (those are very cool, btw) waiting for us at Best Buy. It’s very comfortable to be able to do it this way, and people get what they actually want. I was hoping someone would get you a new mattress. 😊
  10. I nominate @HOUSE. He could use a game check.
  11. RIP I remember when these people were “old people” every year. Now? It doesn’t feel quite like that any more.
  12. As always, I would warn anyone to verify the info you get. I’ve been burned by old info in the past and had to scramble come game time.
  13. Does induction require replacing your cookware? I never had gas until about 15 years ago, and I’d have a hard time giving it up now. I look at a lot of houses (it used to be a profession, now it’s just a hobby) and if they don’t have gas I’d consider induction. Running a gas line to our last house in Florida was possible, but it was going to be a big deal. Induction might have been perfect there.
  14. Happy anniversary! I’m glad you took steps to get help. We lost our son to fentanyl the next day, Jan 2, 2018. Addiction is a B word. A rash of deaths in Nashville that New Year.
  15. Happy New Year.!!!!! Forrest Gump as a GM would not put that in a contract.
  16. Thank you for proving my point! How is that working out? 😂
  17. Respectfully, I don’t think his contract will include anything regarding control over management of the team. That would be insane. They will have an understanding, but you can’t give a player personnel power in their contract. How would that work if they disagree?
  18. Will that also make them try? Maybe just a little? 😊 They will never give up the money they get for having such bloated, generally meaningless regular seasons.
  19. Just start driving…..
  20. IDK, I remember how this was supposed to be a rebuilding year. Where is the poll with how many games each of us thought he would win? (I hope it was a public poll.) I think this season has exceeded expectations in many ways. He should not be under the gun for that, imo. He’d have to do something incredibly stupid to make me forget what many expected. I thank him for a very nice season so far. We’ll see how the playoffs go, and that is obviously critical, but only one team wins it each year. I don’t like change for the sake of change. I like things done for a reason after solid consideration. I’ll quote this, because I can. I honestly don’t understand how so many people took 13 seconds so personally and hold a grudge. Yep, it was absolutely horrible, but it was 13 seconds several years ago. A lot has happened since. I’ve let it go.
  21. They have carts for things like that, but somehow I’m guessing a wheelbarrow is the right tool for the job. Like Caddyshack, we have a pool, and a pond. The wheelbarrow will be good for you. 😊 BTW, that’s two more snaps than they would get out of me, so I am duly impressed.
  22. They fear your elusiveness?
  23. My father was a germ freak. We could never go on picnics or eat outside because he didn’t want flies landing on his food. The adults got drunk one year and pointed out that there are no flies on New Year’s Day, and a tradition began. For several years a bunch of families would show up on NY Day at a NY state park with snowmobiles, Bloody Mary’s and a nice breakfast to grill. Good times. My wife’s mother and uncle were with us one year in Sarasota. My wife signed us up for some shindig at the Opera House. I had had ZERO alcohol the entire day so I wasn’t too worried when we hit a giant DUI checkpoint 1/4 mile from our house. He asked me where I was going. Home. What’s your address. I told him. He said I could go and I mentioned that that was pretty easy. He pointed to an appliance store parking lot FULL of cars, dozens of them, and said “those people couldn’t do what you just did.” I see no need to be on the road tonight. My mother used to call this Amateur Night.
  24. Undefeated in the division would be great. Letting the Pats* fall a little bit in the draft would be great. Going into the playoffs on a high note would be great. But not at the expense of any player who can help us in a playoff game that actually matters.
  25. That made me wonder, how long has it been since you felt better about our OLine? It’s been a while for me. EDIT: That makes me feel much better about our future. Just find a mountain of a man to clog the middle of the DLine, and we are looking good. .
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