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Everything posted by Augie

  1. The steep angle of the steps in the upper deck is my biggest concern about the new stadium. Some stadiums can be pretty treacherous. There’s nothing I can do about it, so I’ll just cross my fingers and wait.
  2. The first couple years we were building a team, and after that three out of four were against guys names Mahomes and Reid. They pretty much do that to everybody these days. I hope this year it’s our turn.
  3. What a tragedy. I remember the days when I might have been out at 3:14am. You don’t have to be the problem, just being out at that time can be dangerous, especially on a holiday weekend. RIP to all these young men and prayers to their loved ones. .
  4. Ahh, I didn’t recognize it……. From the outside.
  5. Serious question, do we know that it was ESPN? Wasn’t some of this while with the Raiders? Was it from the Redskin cesspool? I didn’t care enough to know all the details then, and I remember much less now. I thought the “how they got out” was fuzzy, but I could have it all wrong. Also, I am admittedly not a Gruden fan, so full disclosure there. Not only was I in the Tampa market before and after his tenure, but we crossed paths as our sons would attend the same 7 on 7’s camps at USF. He is very easy to not like.
  6. Oh, I do drink a lot, they usually deliver my Arnold Palmer with unsweetened tea about the time I land on a stool. And they keep bringing them. Depending upon how far from home I am, I’ll often make a pit stop before going out into Atlanta traffic. You never know. 🤷‍♂️
  7. It’s funny, but when I got into real estate I started always keeping a book in the car because you never knew when you’d have some dead time between appointments. I would also take the book into a restaurant and read at lunch every day. Now I’m retired, but I never bring the book in the house. I just sit at the bar and read at lunch. It would take me a lot of lunches to finish a 500 page book.
  8. I just think it’s more collaborative than that. These guys know each other very well and are on the same team. But what do I know?
  9. So, how do you like this McDermott guy as a coach. I’m starting to pick up some kind of vibe here, but it’s fuzzy. I’d hate to be the guy who is responsible for anything that goes wrong. Can we pin the stadium filling up with snow causing games to be moved on him too? 😋 A guy missing a kick or dropping a pass is not all on the HC, regardless of how we feel about him. The coach is the coach, but the players have to play, too. .
  10. I’m praying Bishop gets up to speed quickly, because having Rapp out there scares me. Heck, it should probably scare his teammates too. He just seems to be looking to hit something…anything….anywhere and any time. But yes, I trust these coaches to put a good defensive backfield out there. .
  11. That’s the way I see it, some guy who is an NFL caliber player who is unlikely to make our team. BTW - The absolute worst click bait articles and threads are randomly proposed trade ideas. Just because you can dream it doesn’t mean it has to be in writing. .
  12. That’s how you can tell the vets from the rooks.
  13. What they learn about blackjack and tequila during this “Summit” is immeasurable. I figure that Toledo probably didn’t have enough hotel rooms for this event, so they were forced to find another location.
  14. I’m guessing she has already been “updated.” 😋
  15. It’s not just the looks, this is the real deal. He likes her because her favorite things are long walks on the beach, sewing her own clothes and mud wrestling. The stars have aligned……or close enough.
  16. Did you loot some popcorn and beer??? 😂
  17. If you trade “argumentative” for “logical”, I can see the point.
  18. I don’t think they are bad enough as a team for them to have the kind of season I wish for them, but a guy can dream! An early second round pick should be able to help our team, and if it went toward WR or Edge it wouldn’t break my heart (if the board fell right, of course). .
  19. Nothing personal, Vikings fans, but I hope they have a miserable year, worse than your worst case, making that 2nd round draft pick that much more valuable. 😋
  20. Wouldn’t THAT be salt in the wound? The Chiefs get Taylor Swift, and we get a monkey with a clipboard!
  21. I think a monkey with a clipboard would get ENORMOUS ratings, so don’t be surprised if Goodell has something to say about this.
  22. Have you, ya know…..talked to any professionals? 🤷‍♂️ But I give you credit for not trying to sugar coat it. 😋 .
  23. Keon Coleman is as slow as @HOUSE reaching for the dinner check.
  24. I think that is how the vote gets so skewed.
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