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Everything posted by Augie

  1. We own the Broncos and the Colts. 🤷‍♂️
  2. My alarm clock is my bladder, but that’s another issue.
  3. I don’t know about you, but I was warming up…..just in case. They will need to increase roster size and reevaluate rules for bringing people up to the active roster, etc. I don’t love it, but it’s going to happen so I won’t get worked up about it. Add another bye week, drop at least one preseason game and carry on. That’s how I see the dots being connected at these high level meetings.
  4. You missed the point, I believe. If we get our “fair share of breaks” the story sounds very different. Andy Reid is a first ballot HOF coach. I’m not spitting on McD because things have yet to go his way against an all-time great coach. But we CAN do it, it just hasn’t happened yet. I’m not making excuses due to injuries. It’s more of an explanation. I was disappointed, again, but I was also entertained.
  5. I like to have at least four. It eases my nerves before i get on the highways of Atlanta. 😋 Oh, maybe you meant…..never mind……. Like many, I did stupid things when I was young. Life has taught me many lessons, and I really try not to get behind the wheel with any alcohol in me. A couple glasses of wine over a couple hours is as wild as it gets these days, and that is rare. We have some family history with the potential consequences of drinking and driving. I’m more sensitive to it than many. Rideshare is your friend.
  6. Quite fair. I would suggest that maybe the topic is tightly focused and therefore flawed in terms of predicting our offense. I want a #1 that scares defenses as much as anyone, but the WR room is only one room in the house.
  7. I think of it this way, I wouldn’t want Worthy as a Bill going up against the Chiefs DB’s in the playoffs. Time will tell how he turns out. .
  8. I completely understand what you are saying, but I took the wife, son and DIL to the home opener for the disappointing Steelers game a few years ago, and it’s still a great memory we all share. I wear the Bills shirt shot into the stands that I caught. We see the photos and laugh at some stories. I don’t have to tell you, the experience can last forever, long after the outcome is remembered. But the blocked punt still pisses me off!!! 😂 I guess that is part of the experience. Like life, if everything was easy it would lose its preciousness.
  9. I agree, it’s not the “same”. They are both great, but different. I enjoy both experiences, and for me a blend is best.
  10. It might have been the Gugny name tag you were wearing that confused him? 🤷‍♂️ Oh, and HBD!
  11. The first one that came to mind was the driving instructor. This little kid thought that was hysterical! .
  12. In Florida we had love bug season. It’s like crushing hundreds of little glue bombs all over your car, and it will eat your finish. NASTY! .
  13. I just closed my eyes for a little while and waited to see if I would feel a bump. I don’t recommend that……it will bump eventually. You just wait, I sense a Go Fund Me for the ducks family coming up, administered by the villain, of course. It seems to me, if they just stayed on the couch they would break even. I’m always looking for the easy way out.
  14. I think we have identified someone who has overestimated the quality of and confidence in their opinion.
  15. My wife got held up leaving NYC yesterday. All the flights got pushed back, and when she finally got to ATL all the shuttle trains were shut down. The original plan was not to get home at 1:00am.
  16. There is no way the brightest minds in football could “scheme me open”. We need guys who can just flat out beat you more often, but I’ll wait and be hopeful.
  17. It certainly has a whiff of incompetence to it. Do they think they are the first smart people to go down this road? Plenty of smart people went before them, and now they look clownish.
  18. OUCH! This one hurts. Not only was he great on TV, but my parents had some albums he did that I loved as a kid. It was my introduction to comedy. I am eternally grateful. RIP .
  19. That’s a fact…..I read it on the internet.
  20. I would say that around here, most of us have a higher opinion about the quality of our opinions than is probably warranted. 😋
  21. “Fair share” as defined how? It’s not a morality thing. There are tax brackets, and exemptions and write-offs and loopholes and all kinds of crazy stuff. It’s like contract law, what does it say in black and white? Play within the rules, and if you find a way to pay less, I can’t blame you. If it’s broken, you need to fix the rules (and that is about as likely to happen as term limits.) Personally, we owed more than expected when our taxes were done this year. I considered that a sign of good fortune. I hope we have to pay more in taxes next year. That would be awesome! But I don’t want to pay any more than I have to, within the rules. .
  22. WOW! That was going to be my answer. Ahmad Rashad for the win!!! I still remember listening to the post game show trying to get out of the parking lot, and not caring that nothing was moving.
  23. Doomed??? 🤷‍♂️
  24. I don’t think I even want to read your thread anymore…….. 😋
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