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Everything posted by Augie

  1. Hmmm, so that’s what I’m missing by not watching ESPN.
  2. I don’t think the NFL has any problem picking Black QB’s in the draft (see link). Lamar was a bit quirky in his delivery, as I recall. I could be wrong on that, but I think it was the player, not his skin color. https://wzakcleveland.com/playlist/black-nfl-qb-quarterback-first-round/item/1
  3. How many ashtrays are we under the cap? It has been a LONG time since we have had this quality and depth. I’m sure it’s a combination of selection and coaching with Kromer.
  4. That’s catchy. You should trademark that. I was just there for the orange slices.
  5. I agree, and I am for all good charitable causes. This should not be hard.
  6. Have you been anywhere near @HOUSE lately? Better call the 1-800 number.
  7. You can put me down for that as well. 😊 The question is, where are we on the spectrum ranging from”oh well” to “BURN THIS THING DOWN!!!” On second thought, let’s just not find out. Positive vibes.
  8. I try hard not to think about your mattress, but thanks for the reminder. Btw - I don’t think you previously mentioned the vomit. 🤮 This is new territory I don’t want to visit. But it still smells like Woodstock, I’m sure. Yes, let us pray the snow is an omen. I think we’ve earned a few breaks!
  9. I first learned the Serenity Prayer when we took our son to rehab for the first time decades ago. When you are dealing with addiction you don’t need to remember the prayer, you need to learn to live it. I guess I’ve had a lot of practice, and it’s made me a healthier Bills fan. God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference. We have a neighbor nobody likes. I’ll call him Gene, because his name is Gene. He’s a cantankerous retired litigator. We are polite and everything, we say hello and he came to the holiday party at our house, but nobody likes that ass. My wife said “I get along with him just fine. I know who he is and what he is, so I just never expect anything more than that from him.” You can decide how you are going to look at things to some extent. .
  10. This is so silly. Of course they want to win it all every year. Were you always first in your class, or were you a failure? This is childish and tiresome nonsense. .
  11. This is athletics, not academia. It’s not a math problem. But you feel free to consider it a failure. You’re too entrenched to see the light, apparently.
  12. Sure, let’s bring in another Rex because you couldn’t get past the dynasty that is the Chiefs. Let’s roll the dice and start over. A new guy brings no assurance that they are better, or even equal. Missing the playoffs carries less anxiety. If you are right there knocking on the SB door in what was supposed to be a down year, I say let McD continue to get better at his job while we retool for next season with a lot of draft capital and more cap space.
  13. Can you freeze the smell of urine and vomit?
  14. This sounds like an emotional and shortsighted response. And that is putting it politely.
  15. They have NOT earned the right, yet. They have only earned it if they beat the Chiefs. They earned the right to that opportunity.
  16. This is a defeatist attitude. If you don’t win it all your season was a failure. I’ve read that here, so it must be true. All the enjoyment I’ve had this season is somehow going to be magically ripped away from me. Not sure how that works exactly, but I hope it doesn’t hurt. They get up and keep moving. That is how you recover.
  17. …..unless Josh gets his “bell rung”, a/k/a ends our season.
  18. At least this way we can wait and see if he can be a decent HC without the risk of sinking the Bills, so there is that. 🤷‍♂️
  19. I don’t remember the last game at the Rockpile, but I remember going into the first game at The Ralph. I would love to be at the last one. I’ll deal with the cold for that.
  20. ….according to their fans and the media when convenient, but not the scoreboard. .
  21. Or else! 😊 Everybody has ups and downs, let’s hope a bunch of guys start having a couple career games.
  22. What does the national media think of Lamar’s choice of head gear after the game? Was he STILL cold?
  23. I do, only in that I appreciate it as motivation!
  24. We had time and timeouts, but sometimes what you really need is just a few bounces to go your way. It’s time for us to get some of those bounces, we’ve paid our dues.
  25. Just in case. He might be great, but we still don’t know if this guy can be a head coach. As we all know, a great coordinator does not always make a good HC.
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