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Posts posted by Augie

  1. I coached a kid in rowing because he had to leave hs football with too many concussions. 6 to be exact. He was only a sophomore at the time. Coached him his JR. year. Not sure how he was allowed to keep playing by the district. He missed a full year of school after the last one. Even now his attendance at school is poor sometimes only once or twice per week with headaches and other concussion issues. Parents have tried every medical option and nothing is helping. They are now moving towards more hollistic options. Kind of throwing a Hail Mary at this point. There are still issues getting through workouts He used to be an A student, now struggles for low Bs and Cs. I never realized or experienced the severity of concussions until I met him. It's pretty insane.


    That is really sad. I'm not one to judge others (generally), but I will say more energy spent on prevention and less on a cure would have made for a better life. I hope they can turn it around. We have more experience than we'd like with the effects of brain injury, and seemingly inconsequential events can change a life drastically - or in some cases even end it.

  2. That stinker of a game Brady had a few weeks ago was unlike anything I've ever seen from him. (I only saw part of the second half.) It reminded me a bit of when Kelly and Marino reached the end. It was not only mortal, it was downright ugly. Brady's certainly not fully there yet, but that was encouraging to me.



    I wrote that poorly. I meant, "let alone soccer." Kid quit the team after that. Think he's fine but understandably wanted to try something else.


    My son was big into soccer and concussions are a bigger danger than people realize. I hope he didn't change to "American football".


    Kolb's last concussion was a minor glancing blow. The brain becomes too fragile at some point.. These guys should protect themselves, but the league is going to have to do it for them.


    Fair enough. I'm just tired of the Bills being a farm team for other NFL teams. We draft, develop and let walk. We have not been close to the cap for a number of years. During this time we have let players walk who were productive. Unacceptable.


    Completely agree. We have also let some guys move on who turned out to be overpaid at the new gig. I just want us to be one of the smart teams who knows who to keep and who to let walk if the price gets too high. I'm not smart enough to decide that. We all have opinions, but I have to put my trust in WHALEY. First time in a long time I've felt good about the front office.


    I will not allow the new regime to pull the wool over our eyes and say "we're managing the cap". At some point, if we continue to sign our performing players that might become a problem. It will be a bit until then. SIGN HUGHES and continue to resign our good players. Other teams way out spend us every year. I don't want to hear about the cap.


    Well, you're entitled to your feelings. But missing an important part of the NFL reality won't win for you in the long run. You might be willing to have the highest paid player at every position, but it doesn't work that way. The tricky part is being smart enough to know which players you NEED to sign and for how much. We agree, pay Hughes. I recognize there is a limit we have to live with. That's the reason it's difficult and we aren't qualified to decide, despite our love for the team.


    Edit: Your "at some point" scenario bites you in the butt in different ways. If we have cap room now, we may need it more down the road for higher priorities. I'm just saying..... spend, but SPEND WISELY.

  6. I'm a big believer in Whaley, despite the apparent whiff on guards. I don't pretend to know more than they do, though I may pout a little when it goes poorly. :-(


    Within reason means it's not an open checkbook as some may suggest - it ain't JJ Watt money. These guys hopefully know they help each other. One stud by himself gets too much attention. You can't double all four of our DL and have much left to send out.

  7. Hughes thrived in pettines Defense. Some of us thought he may not fit up in Jims' wide nine !

    he is starting to become excellent.

    Bills starting front four need to be kept together as a priority.


    Running backs have little comparison here.


    I still respect Spiller. A young man of good character.


    Amen! Hughes was a steal! You can't win them all, but give our guys credit for this one. Now it's time to pay the man.


    EDIT: Within reason of course, followed by Dareus.

  8. Here is a positive stat


    Scott Hanson@ScottHanson 4m4 minutes ago

    The QB with the best completion percentage (82.1%) on 3rd down is...... Kyle Orton.


    This is how bad it's gotten for me: If I see a bad stat I think "well, we stink". A good stat and I think "well, the law of averages is going to catch up with us". It's very sad. I really like our talent... for the most part. Has anyone mentioned yet we're a little weak at guard and an Andrew Luck type would be helpful?

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