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Posts posted by Augie

  1. i could be wrong but I think he went from having a lack of vet mentor and Coaching as a rookie to having too many people coaching him this year. He had his offseason QB coach, Downing, Hackett, Marrone, Orton. I think there was a ton of pressure on him, he was raw, and he was overthinking everything trying to be something he isn't. If he just went out there and played football without worrying about throwing a pick (like Bortles and Carr whose teams had little expectation) he might have done better overall. He isn't afforded the same learning curve as those guys because he was put on a team that wanted immediate results that it hadn't had in a decade and a half. It was like he was too afraid of losing the game to try to win the game.


    I think you nailed it. Too many voices. Too high of expectations because the team was good enough to win. Too much fear of messing up. But can he learn to relax and be a natural thrower of the ball? The 14 year old gazillion dollar question.

  2. I'd like to see EJ with better support in terms of coaching and OLine play, but having watched him since his FSU days, he just doesn't seem to have a natural talent for throwing an accurate ball. I really hope I'm wrong, and I love his intangibles, but I'm not encouraged. You keep hearing the term "mechanics" with EJ. My problem is he looks "mechanical" and not "natural". (Bonehead Winston on the other hand...)

  3. New situation. Darcy (or anyone else) being incompetent does not make Whaley incompetent. I like Whaley and hope he stays. (No, I'm not saying Whaley is perfect, and you can like or hate the Sammy trade, but we have more talent than we've had in years.) Start from scratch and make the right decisions.

  4. It's funny, I want a guy to coach the next generation of football, but I don't want a gimmicky type offense. It's hard for me to tell the difference. The wildcat was just silly to me, and I want to keep our QB healthy. I saw Russell Wilson run today, and he actually knew when and HOW to slide. EJ seemed to struggle with something that should be so easy. Did he never play little league? He looked like a giraffe trying to slide at times.

  5. I voted Malzahn as my first choice, and Gruden is my last choice. With Malzahn I feel we might be ahead of the curve for a change. Gruden won in Tampa with Dungy's team beating his own playbook in the Super Bowl (stupid beyond imagination!). The players had issues with him and his ego was out of control. We would win with Harbaugh, but he'd wear thin in Buffalo like he has in SF.

  6. Hogan had the right idea heading into the end zone. The Brown fumble bothered me, but I was even louder later in the game when he was running again with the ball away from his body. It was a nice run, but he was asking for a repeat. Learn from mistakes!

  7. Mike Williams has actually had an outstanding season in the NFL. Has HAS done it. I don't know why he's not playing, but that's probably a good thing. I shouldn't know what's happening behind the scenes, that only happens on really horrible teams where people are whining and leaking things. I hope he finds a way to get back in good graces and shine.

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