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Everything posted by Augie

  1. I hate him when he plays Xavier! 😊
  2. Maybe Jerruh will have a little mini-stroke and send us Micah Parsons for a 3rd rounder? Why not? Almost everything else they do is stupid.
  3. I don’t follow the NBA anymore, or even watch the NBA Finals, but I don’t get this. .
  4. If you have something to bond over for life, that sounds like a good thing to me. Bonding over a bad team is at least as strong as over a good team. Win/win.
  5. Are you taking the bus?
  6. Does Paul have a charity we can donate to? 😊 If you could convince him to take Chris Jones with him, we would be eternally grateful.
  7. I just figured they have probably heard all those words before. Tell them I had a bad reaction to some medications, and make them prove me wrong!
  8. We scored 42 points against the Rams, and LOST, while we had 70 people over for the neighborhood holiday party. I just know they all talk about me behind my back now! 😊
  9. It’s hard to believe that he wasn’t immediately run over by a bus. I mean, that feels like us, right?
  10. If he DOES retire I hope he takes Chris Jones with him!
  11. I honestly don’t think you want to understand him. Haters gonna hate.
  12. Change a couple plays or a couple calls, and we’d be in THIS Super Bowl.
  13. The Chiefs beat everybody. I hope Philly gets them and the decline begins. Travis is aging, I hope he enjoys a lovely retirement asap. Unfortunately, Chris Jones is younger than I thought. A guy like that would be very nice to have. .
  14. It’s hardly a great deal for the chopper pilot. 🤷‍♂️ This ain’t Madden. .
  15. I had never dreamed of the concept, but now I’m curious. What’s the difference between the two?
  16. I was in the kitchen with my phone and it slipped from my hand. I didn’t want it to hit the floor so I took a swipe at trying to stop it. My hand just half grazed it and knocked it up and forward. Towards the sink. The sink has a single insulated cup in it, and it’s full of water. The phone travels several feet in the air to land directly in that damn cup! SWISH! Yay me! It was one of the most ridiculous sights I’ve ever seen, and I did it to myself. It’s like a hole-in-one, I wish someone else had witnessed it!
  17. I went to one Bills Super Bowl (Redskins in Minneapolis) but only went because we won a raffle. Some friends of my wife were in a Zonta club and they had a fund raiser. My wife bought some tickets, and when they showed up to sell them at my Rotary Club one of them told me “you don’t have to, your wife got it.” I thought that was odd for a fundraiser, but I stopped reading for my wallet. Weeks later we are home on a Friday night and the phone rings. The Zonta crowd is drunk and laughing in a loud bar, but I can’t even tell what they are saying. I give the phone to my wife, and I think I may have benefitted from a rigged fundraiser. 😂 The wife briefly mentioned getting a dining room set instead, but quickly came to her senses. Anyway, she mentioned NOLA this year and seemed serious, but I shushed her for the jinx factor. I really have no burning desire to go to another, even if it was the Bills. But if my wife is pushing the agenda, who am I to say no? 🤷‍♂️
  18. I’m kinda getting sick of that guy!!!
  19. I’m not sure I want a seat at that table. (Like musical chairs, but in reverse.) I know we draft late in the rounds and we have a healthy supply of picks this year, but I’m feeling some sticker shock.
  20. I got one minute in. That was more than enough.
  21. Mint is an underused ingredient, imo. There is one bartender at a place I go to who adds a little mint to my Arnold Palmer at lunch. It sounds silly, but it’s funny how it elevates something so simple. You get the aroma more than the taste. My wife is Lebanese and mint is also worked into a lot of Mediterranean dishes.
  22. If we are talking salsa, I made a great mango salsa to go with my blackened salmon recently. The usual ingredients of red pepper, jalapeño, cilantro, red onion, lime juice. The key was I cheated and used diced and drained canned mango. Getting a properly ripe mango and then getting the meat from it is the tricky part. That really simplified things.
  23. It depends on what we are doing. If I’m grilling wings, it’s definitely Franks. Perfect and easy. Texas Pete will do in a pinch. I had taco night this week while the wife was away, and that required some Cholula to amp up the Taco Bell hot sauce. Some things, like crab legs and Bloody Mary’s call for Tabasco for its unique flavor profile. I think the answer for me is, it depends. I guess that’s why we have a hot sauce section in the fridge. .
  24. I love it! Five out of our first 6 picks are DL! The 6th guy at #179 may end up being the best of the super bunch. That’s how the draft works! 😂
  25. I would just like to say that I am happy I didn’t click on any of this. I am so sick of this stuff, but I guess that’s the world we live in. If it happened, we will hear about it. If it didn’t happen, we may still hear about it. I have gotten to the point where I hate watching the news, so I usually don’t. .
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