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Everything posted by Augie

  1. He’s the GOAT douche!
  2. It’s nice to get your disappointment out of the way right up front! Then all you have left is the commercials and the halftime show. And some football I guess, if you care.
  3. CONGRATS! Nothing like grandkids. You get to pick the name, so choose wisely. Our first grandchild was raised in Nashville and his caregiver was very country. My plan was to go by Papa, but it started sounding more like Paw Paw, like we were in a Hee Haw episode. That required correction. My wife goes by Teita, which is Arabic for grandmother. It’s meaningful to her to be in a long line of Teitas.
  4. That would be excellent value….since we don’t have a 3rd round pick. 😊 Two in the second, and two in the fourth, so if we can get a starting DT in the 3rd that is a WIN!
  5. Why do they mess with us like this??? We deserve to know now!
  6. The best part is the food? That’s awesome, I thought you were going to say the halftime show or the commercials, or about 8,000 other things….and then maybe the Chiefs and Eagles.
  7. I almost bought a $100 square from @Alphadawg7, but I’m too lazy to re-learn how to use Venmo. 🤷‍♂️
  8. It seems 74 is not nearly as old as I used to think it was. Far too young. RIP
  9. Is that this weekend?
  10. I had a tennis buddy a little older than me, and he went to Tulane. He went to one of the first Super Bowls for like $3 because they were bored one day. My, how things have changed!
  11. “That” alone would account for all the tears! 😂
  12. Australia would be absolutely brutal! I’m guessing they would send west coast teams? How many hours is that flight? Our DIL went from Florida to Australia for some program when she was in college. Loooong flight. The guy next to her was quiet for a long time. Very quiet, for a very long time. I’m not sure how long she was sitting next to the dead man, but it was 100% too long for her. I don’t have all the details, just a thumbnail version of what happened. She doesn’t really like to talk about it. 😂 .
  13. I’ll skip 100% of the hours of hype leading up to the game, but I’ll watch the actual football as long as it’s interesting. I’m not proving anything or hurting Goodell by not watching. I already watch much less NFL than I used to.
  14. I don’t love the international games, but that would be a great excuse to get to Dublin! If the dates worked I’d look seriously into that.
  15. I’m happy for Josh, but I’m not huge on individual and arbitrary awards. I guess that’s just me.
  16. At the VERY least, the NFLPA should clamp down on ***ty turf. I admit I don’t love the international stuff, but I do “get it.” Lowering the standards for player safety is inexcusable. You don’t settle for the field they offer, you dictate. .
  17. …and the son was a curious guy to overlook, it seemed. I don’t know what the hell happened, but I wouldn’t be surprised if what actually happened was significantly different in some way than the story in our heads. It could have been two guys from the grassy knoll. 🤷‍♂️ .
  18. It hurts to know that we were that close, but it also gives me hope to know that we were that close. Like the players, and the coaches for that matter, schemes can evolve over time. It’s not like it will be wholesale change, but I think we will adapt. You have to keep adapting.
  19. Garrett already knows what he’s doing. All the coaches are for everybody else. 😊
  20. I prefer a celebration of life, myself. (Just leave out that last quarter, please.)
  21. That would be a good point if the Jags had not been there a week in advance and already played a game in London. Make it apples to apples and at least that aspect of the game would have been equally difficult. .
  22. It was inherently unfair to play a Bills “home game” in London against a Jags team that has been establishing a fan base in London since 2013. It is unconscionable that the Jags had been in London for an entire week to get acclimated before the Bills arrived to play there in Roger’s little “experiment”. I’m sorry, Goodell cannot come back from that in my mind. The integrity of the game should come before expanding markets. I know a lot of people will disagree, but I don’t care. Every game matters, don’t screw with them. EDIT: While I’m at it, why doesn’t the NFL make sure the playing surfaces are safe and acceptable. Von Miller said the field at Tottenham was the worst he had ever played on. We had quite a few injuries on that field. .
  23. At the Mexican place by where I get my hair cut I will go table to table until I find it. For some reason, at that place and with that food, that is the only correct answer. It’s weird.
  24. I admit it, I was wrong. I used to think the people who booed Goodell at the drafts were morons. I now see the light, and I’m wondering if a permit is needed to have a rotten tomato stand outside the draft in Green Bay.
  25. Don’t you think it would be wise to start with a very torrid and fattening affair?
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