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Everything posted by Augie

  1. Apparently that beats the hell out of Bill Belichick’s dog!
  2. There are some posters here I’d like to send to other teams. Does that count? 😊
  3. They usually show up by the playoffs, I mean, if they are in the mood. That’s about the only time it’s worth watching the NBA for me, but I’m so angry about the stupid long and meaningless regular season that I boycott the playoffs. I LOVED having seasons (split with another family - perfect!) to the Braves as a kid. But times are very different and even my young children mentioned the lack of effort on a Tuesday night in Charlotte. It was like a walk thru practice.
  4. I had a lucky outfit this year. It was time.
  5. We were in a bar eating one time and the whole place was decorated. I ask the bartender what all the decorations were about and he told me “it’s Breast Awareness Month.” I told him I thought that was every month, and my wife vouched for me. I told him I thought he might be leaving a word out of that answer. He looked confused. It wasn’t that kinda place. 😂
  6. I hear you about the kids, but NOW I want to click! 😂
  7. It always depends on who sitting there, but that answer is almost always yes for me. The guy in the third may turn out to be the stud of those three players. . .
  8. He is certainly the biggest factor, but not the only factor.
  9. I give him credit and a bit of slack for being out there with a torn PCL. It’s not all disappointing. Let him improve the things they referenced and see what we get next year when he’s hopefully healthy.
  10. Smart teams will want his future, imo. Why do we want to get rid of our good players? Maybe some OL depth can fetch something of value without leaving us shorthanded.
  11. Would you feel better or worse if the Bills were being crushed like a bug?
  12. I appreciate people who self-scout, evaluate and evolve to improve.
  13. I think defense matters.
  14. Super curious how the betting odds have changed! 😂
  15. I think Bobby Flay is going to win this one.
  16. Well, it’s better than Baskin Robbin’s. 😊
  17. I won something exactly like that, and it just may have been rigged by my wife’s drunken friends. 😂 Long story, but the downside was 9 degrees in Minneapolis. The experience was awesome, but I wouldn’t pay thru the nose to attend another SB. That box has been checked.
  18. Huh! An ad for that keeps popping up on my phone when I play a game, and I was mildly curious. I’ll give it a shot. Thx EDIT: we should all be here looking for something to watch tonight. 😂 .
  19. My mother’s maiden name was Drury. One of her friends had a speech impediment and she could not pronounce my mother’s last name. She spent the rest of here life going by Dewey. She’s in a nursing home now and people call her by her actual first name, and after a couple years it’s STILL weird to me.
  20. Well, then I don’t think you are doing it right. 🤷‍♂️
  21. He’s the GOAT douche!
  22. It’s nice to get your disappointment out of the way right up front! Then all you have left is the commercials and the halftime show. And some football I guess, if you care.
  23. CONGRATS! Nothing like grandkids. You get to pick the name, so choose wisely. Our first grandchild was raised in Nashville and his caregiver was very country. My plan was to go by Papa, but it started sounding more like Paw Paw, like we were in a Hee Haw episode. That required correction. My wife goes by Teita, which is Arabic for grandmother. It’s meaningful to her to be in a long line of Teitas.
  24. That would be excellent value….since we don’t have a 3rd round pick. 😊 Two in the second, and two in the fourth, so if we can get a starting DT in the 3rd that is a WIN!
  25. Why do they mess with us like this??? We deserve to know now!
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