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Everything posted by BustaTimes

  1. The Bills are in great shape...for 2016. I'm happy about that, but having to sit through another year of shaky QB play is frustrating. People with high expectations for this year are delusional.
  2. This would be fantastic. Still disappointed that they didn't put a bar overlooking the field on the 100-level tunnel end zone where they installed the handicap seating. Such a missed opportunity.
  3. I did have old people in the 100-level telling me to sit down while standing up for the defense on 3rd down last year. Annoying. I can understand being annoyed at people standing up while we're on offense, which is what I'm guessing you're all talking about. Sorry to sound rude, but it's like how at outdoor concerts now you'll get the old folks parked by the stage in lawn chairs, and they get mad when people come and stand in front of them. At some point you should just stay home instead of ruining other people's fun.
  4. Get your elderly family members front row or back row so they don't have to stand/can stand up and lean. Or wheel them in. If it's 3rd/4th down I'm standing up to cheer - too bad if you don't like it.
  5. Wearing jerseys of division rivals to The Ralph when we're not playing that team has always been a no-no. I think it was the Cleveland game last year when someone rolled in wearing a Pats jersey. Mistake.
  6. $ http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/02/28/federal-budget-issues-could-end-flyovers/
  7. They need to bring back the jet/coptor flyovers - that was really the only cool pregame thing the Bills ever did
  8. Concerts with national artists - not anyone A-list, but if you had Eddie Money playing the hits I'd get there early to check it out
  9. How can they cap the season tickets when they haven't even broke the record yet Sounds like tickets aren't selling fast and they're trying to artificially generate demand
  10. This game also deserves an honorable mention - gets completely overshadowed by the Patriots upset the following week
  11. You can bring them, just not inside a case. I think they can't have lens covers on them either
  12. Guy gets drunk, falls in ditch, dies, family sues - no more night games Cheerleaders are underpaid, complain about it, sue - no more cheerleaders Maybe we should threaten suit against the Bills for neglect of the quarterback position
  13. Coming off a winning season and we get no home prime time game Terrible
  14. Reminds me of the Jim Kelly Million Dollar Shoot-Outs from back in the day: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stargaze Someone bring those back!
  15. Dump Tuel and sign Michael Vick for cheap
  16. I knew EJ was DOA after the home preseason game last year when we were booing him off the field
  17. It's not a discount - the top rows of the 300-level are $290/seat and the Blue Zone/Rockpile sections are $320/seat. The Bills stopped advertising them because they don't want scalpers buying them all. If you call the ticket office now they'll play dumb and say none are available, but in a few weeks there will be tons.
  18. Remember that the Rockpile/Blue Zone seats and the last 10 rows of the 300-level are *not* available for purchase online. Also - seats for people who haven't renewed from last year have not been released yet. What you see on the seating map is what they want you to buy. Nothing more.
  19. According to this site that ranks players historically, these are the Bills who are most worthy and aren't already on the Wall of Fame: http://www.pro-football-reference.com/teams/buf/career-av.htm Cornelius Bennett (1987-1995) Eric Moulds (1996-2005) Ruben Brown (1995-2003) Joe Devlin (1976-1989) Reggie McKenzie (1972-1982) Butch Byrd (1964-1970) Steve Freeman (1975-1986) Kyle Williams (2006-2014) Aaron Schobel (2001-2009) Jim Dunaway (1963-1971) Henry Jones (1991-2000)
  20. I'd actually be fine with Elvis going up on the Wall - dude deserves it
  21. Kurt Warner is looking for work
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