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Everything posted by Seasons1992

  1. When they don't say a word after I say "Hello" I hang up after about 2 seconds. That's the trick.
  2. I'm 43 and these were very popular back in my day. Better drink the whole thing, don't leave it for tomorrow.....
  3. It was a commercial for the draft, at a break in Around the Horn.
  4. More overrated: Marcell Dareus, or Clowney? Discuss.
  5. My ex-wife is reporting feeling terrible after 7pm yesterday through now, after #2. Hopefully it gets better as the day goes on.
  6. I just saw this during Around the Horn. LFG for this season, already. I want to play in the new LA stadium in February. Anything else is a downer season.
  7. Returning to Buffalo in May for the first time since December 2019. Driving my kids out to Denver in late June, and then 3 nights camping at Rocky Mountain NP. Can't wait to actually use my 4Runner for what it was built for out there. This summer is going to be a bleepshow in this country.
  8. I would imagine this may be a "gametime" decision based on how the virus is going. For all we know, a variant by August may be around and isn't being knocked down by the 1st round of vaccines quite as well as hoped, and is re-infecting or getting to those even with a vaccine.
  9. I put my original in a ziploc bag and put it with important papers. I made a copy and used packing tape to "laminate" mine and keep that one in my car. It can always be remade. Also took a picture with my phone and emailed it to myself.
  10. Amazing conversation. Mostly about his battle with alcohol. What a great person. I hope he has a career year and gets a ring.
  11. I deserve ALL the ribbing; but it's only 100 calories and if I gotta daydrink, the Claw is a decent choice. You won't see me having any at Hammer's, however. Only stolen beers from @LeviF91 and my own Manhattan mix in a growler that gets shared. I was at that game and I think EVERYONE had a major buzz going on. Very cold, meaningless game.
  12. Completely agree here. I care WAY too much about quality sound to lose hearing.
  13. Can I borrow another couple? I WILL pay you back in the lot next time, promise.
  14. Having been to Tennessee, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, and Pittsburgh for road games, I disagree. Pardon me while I crack open another White Claw......
  15. @Boyst62 @Royale with Cheese @Augie @ExiledInIllinois If this is the case, look the hell out in Nashville........
  16. Here. I just saved you a ton of time. https://images.app.goo.gl/vRzVjRhcHV8oAtL48
  17. He wouldn't do well at the tailgates........
  18. 43, had my 2nd Moderna on Wednesday. Arm hurt from Wednesday night through last night. Woke up this morning perfectly fine.
  19. "It's called The Process. I've been talking about this since the Dust Bowl."
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