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Everything posted by Seasons1992

  1. Man, we didn't win alot of Week 1's back in the day. And, hi-def is better than standard def. That's what I learned.
  2. While we are still slightly unsure of the Josh on the roster...........there's no way this team would be where it's at currently with Rosen. Another 3-4 year term of disarray.
  3. You leave @RobbRiddick alone. I once skated with him at OP Roller Rink. Good dude. (that was a LONG time ago).
  4. I didn't need any more by the time @ExiledInIllinois and I rolled in. Probably was good that all service vanished upon arrival. Still feel bad for @Boyst62's fiance, Jen.......she must have thought "who are all these idiots?"
  5. I shouldn't be posting at 10:34pm......damn I forgot I told that story here!
  6. No one hates your ranch fetish.......I love ranch. But it doesn't go on wings. End-stop.
  7. Now that you're done with the easy work, please change the outdated schedule so we can get on with our lives........
  8. This is my choice also. BUFFALO Bill: Probably James Lofton. He's pretty smart and could share some inside details on the SB teams.
  9. "Hey now, I know how to run a franchise......."
  10. You are welcome in advance.
  11. You're not THAT bad looking. You could play yourself, alongside one of the great actors of our time........
  12. I wonder if it's aluminum wiring that's threatening to burn everything down..........your issue doesn't sound like settling.
  13. My sister owns a bookstore, and got to meet him a few years back at a book-signing. She said he's pretty odd.
  14. It's really good for sure. I love that you have matching tats with that! "Stop Making Sense" is a masterpiece of film. I try to watch it once a year. I listen to it often.
  15. The NBA was doing this for Game 1. It's not the greatest, but it's still better than no games at all.
  16. Trust me when I tell you..............................................................................NO.
  17. More nerdy stuff if you REALLY want to sound clean. And yes, this crap is expensive. Needle cleaner (be gentle): https://www.amazon.com/ONZOW-ZERODUST-ZeroDust-Stylus-Cleaner/dp/B00ERPWAK2/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=needle+cleaner&qid=1598798402&sr=8-1 Static/dust brush: https://www.amazon.com/Audio-Technica-AT6013a-Dual-Action-Anti-Static-Record/dp/B07HM7LG32/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=audio+technica+brush&qid=1598798448&sr=8-3 Gram scale to make sure your tone arm is perfectly weighted once done adjusting it, for the headshell you're using: https://www.amazon.com/Neoteck-tocadiscos-calibrado-retroiluminación-cartucho/dp/B01N9TRSPC/ref=sr_1_9?crid=1ZT0OUIYBI48F&dchild=1&keywords=turntable+protractor+alignment+tool&qid=1598798481&sprefix=turntable+protra%2Caps%2C160&sr=8-9 Mirrored protractor for proper cartridge alignment (not easy but worth it): https://www.amazon.com/Turntable-Phonograph-Cartridge-Protractor-Separately/dp/B079ZBLJ4M/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=turntable+protractor+alignment+tool&qid=1598798517&sr=8-3 And finally, if you have a moving magnet cartridge in an upscale player (mine is a full-manual.......most full automatics use a simpler version): https://www.amazon.com/Audio-Technica-VM540ML-MicroLine-Turntable-Cartridge/dp/B01MEI1RPC/ref=sr_1_3?crid=16O51JCFNAXAN&dchild=1&keywords=audio+technica+vmn40ml&qid=1598798701&sprefix=audio+technica+vmn40%2Caps%2C174&sr=8-3 It's all worth it, if you set things up properly. Otherwise, you're wasting your money and time. It's like owning a 1963 split rear window Corvette: Get it set up properly and take care of it, and you'll love it. Don't, and you'll wonder why the hell you've spent $140k.
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