More nerdy stuff if you REALLY want to sound clean. And yes, this crap is expensive.
Needle cleaner (be gentle):
Static/dust brush:
Gram scale to make sure your tone arm is perfectly weighted once done adjusting it, for the headshell you're using:ón-cartucho/dp/B01N9TRSPC/ref=sr_1_9?crid=1ZT0OUIYBI48F&dchild=1&keywords=turntable+protractor+alignment+tool&qid=1598798481&sprefix=turntable+protra%2Caps%2C160&sr=8-9
Mirrored protractor for proper cartridge alignment (not easy but worth it):
And finally, if you have a moving magnet cartridge in an upscale player (mine is a full-manual.......most full automatics use a simpler version):
It's all worth it, if you set things up properly. Otherwise, you're wasting your money and time. It's like owning a 1963 split rear window Corvette: Get it set up properly and take care of it, and you'll love it. Don't, and you'll wonder why the hell you've spent $140k.