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Everything posted by Seasons1992

  1. Hey now, I am die-hard AND obnoxious, so you're wrong there!
  2. Four years ago, THROWING the ball at all would have been fine.
  3. I listened to my remastered copy last night while watching the Chiefs game. Probably the 2,000th time I've heard it straight through. NEVER gets old, ever.
  4. I was at the grocery store yesterday morning, and the security guard at the registers saw my Bills hoodie and said unprovoked "you guys look really good." I said "so far, so good" and left it at that. It's weird, but so much fun to watch on Sundays. Reminds me of being a 12-15 year old again in the early 90's.
  5. They won't be. This isn't a NE chain where they tiptoe the line on all rules. @Vrabel
  6. To be fair, @Chandler#81 did drop a G-D bomb and it went through, but he has veto power......
  7. I own a nice t-shirt with the Stallions logo, so I appreciate your avatar. Never, and I mean EVER, think the sharps around here will want NE to win. EVER.
  8. We need to win games before a potential season-altering schedule happens.
  9. Everyone poops their pants every once in awhile. Beane has done an amazing job at rebuilding this franchise.
  10. Denver-Fangio survives. Gase/Quinn/BOB/Patricia are guaranteed. Dan Snyder won't fire Rivera, neither will Jerruh fire McCarthy. For cripes sake, they could still win the division!
  11. They will. Trust the cranberry juice process.
  12. Jim Rome is talking about this right now. I don't care if you hate him, but we have the colors and the gusto (shout out to the B-N) to be the darlings. Just need to WIN.
  13. I think the only throw better, ever, may be the Ben to Santonio SB throw over/around 3 defenders.
  14. I hear that. It will come down to last man with the ball. And keep it off Bass's foot!
  15. There's this team in the middle of the country that I'm not sure ANYONE can beat when the Magic Man is under center......I'm not saying they will go undefeated, but if they stay healthy? Good lord. We shall see how the *Pats get roasted tonight.
  16. The original video stems from this: https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/story/2020-10-02/nathan-apodaca-is-the-skateboarding-fleetwood-mac-loving-tiktok-star-that-2020-needs Crap, I apologize I didn't read further. You win, good work!
  17. Please change your screen name to this, or Auntie Annie's. It will remind me of things down the line.
  18. I'm in for NOLA at this point, considering we lost yesterday as an amazing opportunity. Brees will retire after this season and it may be a winnable game.
  19. Dan Patrick talks about this frequently. How where you get drafted matters SO much as to the outcome. Mahomes to another team? Perhaps not the same. But he fits there in Andy's system. If you think Kyler Murray with the Jets would be anything good, you'd be mistaken. Josh fits Buffalo perfectly.
  20. I'm no @Virgil inside-football-wise, but I know slow when I see it. Just like the Supreme Court did with "adult" material. He's a huge liability at this point.
  21. Oh yeah.......this was me yesterday. My younger kid looks at me like I'm insane. I got up off the couch and kneeled after that Smoke goal-line throw and catch. That's the kind of play that wins Super Bowls in the end. However, Beane better get a high quality backup sooner than later. Praying this isn't the case, but possibly our B-D Football Player under center is going to get injured and we'll need a fort-holder-downer. I don't trust what we have. What's Bridgewater's contract status, @YoloinOhio?
  22. I'm no @Blokestradamus so I didn't know we took a tall receiver in the 7th. It's scary that we're drafting sons of people I watched while I was in college, play in the NFL in 1999. 😳 He looks promising. Sincerely, Late To The Party Seasons
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