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Everything posted by Seasons1992

  1. That's your third serial killer reference today.
  2. Second post of yours today referencing serial killers........
  3. Yeah, but he's CERTAINLY more worthy of that than Ko Simpson......
  4. The real issue is not about how spicy the wings are.......what we care about, is what you DIP them in, and also to make sure they are/were actual proper wings and not seasoned with something from your mom's spice cabinet. @Royale with Cheese
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gorilla_Monsoon
  6. Glad I wasn't the first to say this.
  7. I did @Virgil -like work/effort, and looked up all the HC's in the league. Here are my guesses for firings. Matt Nagy Zac Taylor (my #1 bet) Mike McCarthy Vic Fangio (how he has a job, I'm baffled about) Zimmer if no playoffs If things go horribly wrong: Mike Tomlin (like 3-13 bad and loses the team) Jon Gruden David Culley (but ONLY if they go 0-16)
  8. Back when wrestling was real.........the good times.
  9. I was at that GB game, it was incredible. Kyle Orton simply went 3 and out on every drive in the 2nd half, and the D/special teams won it. Then Oakland happened........barf.
  10. I formally apologize to all the MENSA's that jump through burning tables and shotgun beers out of their girlfriend's buttcracks. My bad if I've offended anyone. I'll stay in the "boring" lot for tailgating.
  11. I hope it gave you horrible gas and the runs. Right........that's the point of @Hammered a Lot the space. Being an ADULT. Not being a moron, like so many Bills "fans" have become. People have been having a good time at those games since 1960, and I wasn't born for another 18 years. But I was at games in the early 90's as a teen, and the parking lot scene escalated into nonsense once the team became awful after 2000. It wasn't about the football/games, it was about being a doofus.
  12. I SPECIFICALLY rebooted my computer (not logged in on my phone anymore) to comment on this particular answer. Get out, lemon-pepper boy. Just get out. Your cheating heart won't bring us all down........
  13. I grew up there, my kids got to go there when we visited relatives during the summers. I hope it returns to it's small-time glory that it used to have.
  14. That STUPID 10-5 loss to Tampa.........will never forget it. The Bengals were great that year; even at Rich it would have been tough.
  15. Heights, when not in a car. I just did fine driving in Rocky Mountain National Park in my 4Runner; my passenger was not cool at all with the view. The swings that raise up at amusement parks? NO WAY. I'm OK with roller coasters, however. As long as I'm attached to something, all good. Bridges sometimes get me weird. The long bridge in Hamilton, Ontario over the lake freaks me out. But the Golden Gate is perfectly fine. I would imagine the Lake Ponchatrain causeway in LA would freak me out for 20 miles over that water.
  16. That's called, "fatassis."
  17. Ted Darling indeed has been lost in Buffalo history; he was incredible on TV. Anyone under the age of 35 missed out on him doing games.
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