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Everything posted by Seasons1992

  1. And against an AFC opponent, mind you. Remember, it's better if we WIN against the NFC.
  2. I just bought my tickets for Cincy (who's going, I can make recommendations as I live here) and don't want to see a loss. MUCH rather have a loss in ATL.
  3. Wait, I didn't know Niagara Falls was near Buffalo..... #crappyBroll
  4. This is by far the most excited I've ever seen you, Rico.
  5. I wish this would fit in my Signature line.
  6. The "try before you buy" option sounds kinda gross.
  7. Don't forget the bison grazing in a field, now........ My friend and I always remark about B-roll and Buffalo's is the most stale of all time.
  8. Sad to see. I have a friend who was fired recently for doing the same thing. Addiction is tough.
  9. It certainly would have been great had he walked off. The memory of him being carted off with a concussion and then Todd Collins throwing it into the ground on the final drive will never leave my memory.
  10. Did I miss the other Luck AFC championship? They went playoffs, 2nd round, championship (Deflategate*, don't forget the asterisk, newbee) and have sucked since then.
  11. Because you've all pinned this thread and are desperate to know the outcome........ I had put Adblocker and Adblocker WiFi on my phone a few months back to keep the data down on cellular and block all the ads I could on wifi. It works great. Turns out the first thing that loads in the Sunday Ticket app is an AD, so the blockers weren't letting it open. Turned off the Adblocker and voila, working fine again.
  12. Glad someone else caught this. Bravo.
  13. She looks annoyed she got caught and would do it again in a heartbeat. I'm in.
  14. HONESTLY......I wasn't that broken up about it Sunday once I was watching the ESPN stat line and realized it was going to be one of THOSE games. I got home just in time to see the final drive and get my heart ripped out for the 174th time.
  15. You're damn right! It's a must-go-to everytime I get back into town. I 2nd Big Ditch also. Resurgence is a great brewery in Black Rock as well.
  16. Shouldn't you be reviewing all of the "Would You" threads started by \GoBillsInDallas/? Cmon Bills fans, help a brotha!
  17. Nope, it's not. I had a friend who did that and it got sick QUICKLY.
  18. Yep, just downloaded it overnight. It's crushing the soul of my ancient 3-year-old phone, but we'll make due. I've also added Adblocker and Adblocker WiFi but I don't see how those would not let it open. EVERY other app works fine.
  19. iPhone 5s from 2014. The ST app had been on there and worked perfectly for the prior two years. Deleted it, reloaded before Sunday and it just sits there on the loading screen. This happens after logging in. I have logged out of ANY other devices that have it loaded, and all of said other devices work just fine with the app (Roku). Help. Please. I can't keep missing Bills games while out of the house!
  20. Gabriel's Gate for wings and a dive atmosphere. I also like Gene McCarthy's for the same.
  21. The correct term is "fewer" wins. If you're going to be negative, be correct.
  22. I put down my phone and fired up the laptop to respond to this off-topic topic. As a journalism major (that I don't use, but still appreciate), I could not agree more with SDS. The one last bastion of good journalism is long-form. I enjoy The Atlantic for that very reason. I think The Ringer is one of the best "new" sites/brands/sources of information on ALL topics out there. (Take your hate of Boston out of your responses {Bill Simmons} and actually go there/listen/read the content.) I bet Jerry Sullivan can do good work in long-format, but he doesn't have the ability or the BN won't give him that ability. There is so much garbage being thrown to the public these days both on TV and in print/e-journalism. I would, and do, GLADLY pay $3 to weed out the nonsense for quality. My time is the most valuable thing in my life currently and whatever buys me 3 minutes of extra quality, I will pay for. War Larry Felser. Bills 27, Carolina 20
  23. It was a great interview......too bad he's a comet shooting through One Bills Drive. Not enough time......
  24. I bartend on the weekends and get this alot because I wear a Bills rubber bracelet. But it's a great conversation starter! The good news is, I live in Cincinnati.........
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