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Everything posted by Seasons1992

  1. My exact post would have been this.
  2. Same here. Don't tarnish perfection.
  3. I'm pretty happy I didn't get burned this time........Canadian Bills Fan saved me by tipping us off.
  4. Bet the win. And only the win. *these opinions are not to be used for actual betting*
  5. That's lucky for sure. I fell off a ladder yesterday, and consider that much more lucky than that bucket hitting a light.
  6. I'm telling my guy to bank on the Bulls.
  7. Adnan is great and versatile. If you like movies find his podcast. But I don’t listen to espn at all anymore. Records or podcasts 6-9, Dan Patrick and then Jim Rome.
  8. Mine (as of December) is 15 minutes from Sonoma, and the only thing that they even thought about closing for is wildfires. You people in the NYC area.....sorry for today. I was supposed to fly out this morning back here at 9am and at 1pm yesterday decided to take a chance and get a ticket out last night........a VERY long day of driving and flying for work, but man I was happy to wake up today and see my original flight has been cancelled.
  9. I'll be a mail-order groom for that.
  10. No, mead..........just no.
  11. FINALLY, someone asking the pertinent questions around here.......
  12. Being at the Green Bay game in 2014 was great. Too bad Orton couldn't move the ball an inch in the 2nd half. Or against the Raiders the following week......
  13. Do this. It's SUCH a better experience (provided you're not a d-bag). Mead will hit you with hot stromboli if you wreck shop......
  14. This. Dude was balling until he snapped his leg.
  15. Been there. Quite an interesting little place. my go to was always Queen Mother Cafe on Queen St. Ping Gai chicken. Poutine is about it for Canadian food.
  16. 3 times of ANY cancer....it's so rare to completely beat it. This blows. I'm going to go put on my #12 jersey from 1992.
  17. Um, alive? Neil Peart.
  18. No broken turntable....I put them on a towel and do it by hand manually. Flip it over, repeat, vacuum.
  19. Dan Patrick has been having a QB comparison to actresses the past two days and it's been a great listen. Today, the guy who came up with the formal comparison list called in and mentioned how Tyrod is like Aubrey Plaza.....not quite sure what to do or what to make of him/her, but that there's potential to be useful in some aspect.
  20. I'll elaborate. All methods I use were taught to me by my record store owner guy down the street. Take a gallon of DISTILLED water; dump out 1/3 of it. Put in a capful of the "natural" cleaner....no chemicals, plant-based. I used Murphy's that has citrus as the agent. Then, fill up the rest of the gallon jug with 91% rubbing alcohol. Shake it up and it's good forever. I dumped out the Murphy's bottle, rinsed it, and put the jug's contents into it. Spray the record, and use a paint edger to wipe down the grooves. Put a microfiber cloth on the end of a Shop-Vac hose, and vacuum the record dry. It makes a difference compared to simply playing them straight from the sleeve.
  21. Ding ding ding. Rome is terrifying. Stoplights are suggestions, not rules. I've never felt so in danger in a vehicle.
  22. Well considering my tagline is "I Love Vinyl" I figured I'd jump in! Got into it back in August. I have the $300 Audio-Technica professional fully manual turntable. Stock currently, minus an upgraded cork mat for the platter. Zeppelin 1 through Physical Graffiti Pink Floyd Dark Side/WYWH/Meddle/Animals Buckingham-Nicks (pre-Fleetwood; amazing album) A few My Morning Jacket albums The entire Hamilton soundtrack. A couple Santana's Smashing Pumpkins Gish Both Fleet Foxes albums AC/DC High Voltage Black Crowes and Chris Robinson Brotherhood records And on and on...... I clean them using the distilled water/natural cleaner/alcohol method. Makes a huge difference.
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