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Everything posted by Seasons1992

  1. Tell us more about the California Gold Rush, Papaw! ? Seriously, that's some cheap booze. Nice work.
  2. I'm old and poor, so Natural Light is delicious to me!
  3. *raises hand* I’m also tasked with doing maintenance and giving advice on a slew of other vehicles around my circle. Love me some cars. (Side note: the new Bullitt Mustang version looks DOPE.)
  4. Zip’s is the shiznit! too bad my team got rolled by the team in the town where I live....getting lots of crap.
  5. A very astute and IN-depth post right here........
  6. This thread is just SICK. I love it. I can't imagine them playing Kleinhans.......the sound would have been perfect and so incredibly loud.
  7. I saw PJ here in Cincy in 2000 right after the tragedy in Europe. They sucked but are still on my top 3 list. I've seen BOH twice, I own their first two albums, love them dearly. THAT'S a cool poster.
  8. On looks alone, yes. On backstory, I may never go to New York again..........
  9. At 40, I'm no longer worried about that............ Get your head out of the gutter. I'm talking about my beloved Bills. And the other, as well.
  10. If there's ANY way to get that Zeppelin-Rich Stadium poster, I'll gladly pay $100.
  11. Damn it Pete, you beat me to it!
  12. I did this for YEARS in my old house as the basement was mine at the end of the day. I'd rinse it down.
  13. That's the beauty of music and discussion about it! You have yours, I have mine. I have an open mind to hearing other's opinions. Good on ya for being honest. You're WRONG, but I can appreciate it!
  14. I still call it Rich Stadium and honestly, when I think of the arena downtown, I think of Marine Midland. This poll will be skewed by certain ages that respond. Sincerely, Sitting right now directly next to two orange seats from the Aud
  15. That's a great lineup of crews! Shocked to see Nantzy-boy on one of our games. Let's go in there and steal one!
  16. I'm in a great situation now where I can actually be eligible for streaming the Ticket due to my new address....Right now they want nearly $300 for 4 months. Will be calling soon.
  17. The crazy thing is, the most perfect technical drummer ever is Neil Peart and they all never really partied at all. (You Buddy Rich fans are also not wrong but Neil wins this battle for me). Dave Grohl, Keith Moon and John Bohnam, on the other hand...........
  18. But you left out the important information that Jeff Tweedy was the frontman of that band (for you Wilco fans). March 16-20, 1992 is a GREAT album. Produced by Peter Buck for FREE (R.E.M). The closest you will ever get to U-T's sound is Wilco's first album, A.M.
  19. As someone who has made it through to the other (bright) side of mental strife, that *%it isn't funny at all.
  20. Thank goodness THAT portion of the franchise is no longer........HE WAS THE GM FOR A YEAR!
  21. Thanks for the accurate summary. Lorax was very cautiously optimistic on Josh Allen..... It's too bad we haven't had Lorax for many years, dude is a good guy.
  22. I'm 40 and raced indoor go-karts yesterday and I'm pretty sore. Being middle aged has its advantages but it also means we're old physically.
  23. Rex Ryan is on line 3 for you........
  24. Millions of people, actually. Every time I try to help TBD with an interesting interview on Rome I get people who just rail against him and lose focus of the initial post. Don't listen, doesn't bother me. But as a resident peacekeeper of TBD let's focus on the team. (I know I know, DC, I'm an idiot for responding to this.)
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