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Everything posted by Seasons1992

  1. As was I. It looked very windy there.
  2. When it's good, it's GREAT. And as another poster said above, you certainly can drink a TON of beers while riding the coaster. A bad trip is definitely not great. I've been both places, many more times good than the one bad time.
  3. My GF just said “she reminds me of a snake.”
  4. You can always listen to Rome at www.jimrome.com or CBS radio. And yes, he's still in LA. Corporate is in New York.
  5. I know I know, you hate Rome......just listen for Kyle.
  6. My thoughts to Mean Gene and his family. He was a large part of my childhood.
  7. Exactly! Anyone worried about the QB position is a fool. Quote me, I don't care.
  8. I am going to stop reading this thread now and hope you never ever post here again.
  9. It’ll happen. And then the legs will still be there.....dangerous.
  10. Fine.........let's have a battle of wits then.
  11. Today was the perfect send-off for Kyle, and the perfect springboard for the future of the franchise. Finally, after all these years, 2019 has true optimism. I also was hoping Josh would throw more slants with accuracy, and when he did, they worked for the most part. Need an RB, need a motivated Shaq Lawson, and need Josh to be more accurate. GO BILLS, happy new year TBD'ers. Thanks as always, Virgil.
  12. If this happens, I'll take one spot at Hammer's please. I'm in first!
  13. I hope they get a goal line situation and put him in there again. Make him play both ways on Sunday!
  14. I hope WNY and those that can travel make it a sellout on Sunday.......I'd love to go. If anyone from OBD is listening, give away the unsold seats to anyone who wants them and get the place rocking for Kyle. His jersey is one of about 4 that I'd consider. Already have my Kelly, would do Thurman/Bruce/Andre.
  15. Something about the "Winds of Change."
  16. This board is going to rock you like a hurricane for that comment...........
  17. Always a win, always. I don't care about draft position. Hopefully Josh goes bonkers.
  18. There’s a couple in there that actually look like pigs...... pass.
  19. I love that he's here for another two years, smart move. And perhaps all the woeful suffering this team went through at QB before Josh came back from injury just may have worked in our favor........we shall see if and when we need Barkley to play.
  20. The crazy thing is that they ACTUALLY found the bombers based on a tiny, tiny fragment of the radio circuit board that the bomb was hidden in. Great work. I still remember being a kid and on the news (ABC/Peter Jennings) for like 4 straight nights, the shot they'd show is the cockpit area squashed on its side. Will never forget it.
  21. A Nakatomi Plaza sweatshirt exists?! Please send pics. I got it from here: https://www.fanatics.com/nfl/buffalo-bills/buffalo-bills-candy-cane-repeat-sweater-royal/o-3527+t-81484678+p-02530098989+z-9-1552100759
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