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Everything posted by Seasons1992

  1. I respectfully completely disagree with your statement: https://www.pro-football-reference.com/teams/buf/draft.htm Check out 1984-1992.
  2. Give it a minute..........when PIT is desperate and Ernie Adams finally tells Bill "Get him now," it will happen. Ernie runs the show in the dark over there.
  3. There was a cover story about Tom in Wine Spectator a few years back, as he makes his own wine. He has Lyme disease, so he can't actually drink what he makes for health reasons. I would bet $1,000 the dementia stems from the disease. It hid in him for 20 years and just recently started showing signs of causing problems.
  4. He has told people that he only uses "pure" heroin so he knows what he's getting....... I hope Alex beats this somehow.
  5. The last six years have alternated home and away Week 1 for us. Let's bet on "home" for 2019 Week 1 considering it was away in 2018. That scientific fact and analysis is iron-clad. Book non-refundable tickets now!
  6. It got you to spend time posting your displeasure.......which amuses me. So, I thank you!
  7. Finally, someone who gets the thread!
  8. I'm a "take the stairs" guy normally. Plus elevators are so awkward.....
  9. Just like a "dry heat," this was a "cold fire."
  10. Fixed.
  11. Oh don't you worry, I got accepted there........I just chose a much more fun option in OU. I didn't have the required 6 different pairs of khaki pants upon entry for Miami.
  12. I went to Ohio University (public), which is frequently referenced as the "Harvard on the Hocking (River)." Did I go to both? Do I win both Showcases?!
  13. Wait, are you saying Sammy Watkins hasn't been good on the 3 teams he's been on? Pshaw! ?
  14. As the Chive app says, "Future Lower Back Problems."
  15. Depends on if the Bills win or lose......
  16. "The Balcony's Full" A one-hour comedy special by DC Tom "Interior Linemen: A 9-Part Documentary" Brought to you courtesy of Virgil and The Corporation for Public Billscasting
  17. God bless her soul.........she's a brave lady.
  18. I'm a no, without other pictures that you degenerates usually find on these fine ladies.................
  19. I'm 100% in. I've been with a 50 year old.........speaking from experience.
  20. Scrambled, only. Onion powder, cheese of some variety, salt-pepper, Frank's topping once cooked. Low heat. Stir constantly.
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