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Everything posted by Seasons1992

  1. Yeah, my buddies who live in OP always text me about 45 seconds before Tottenham or Manchester United scores.......it's annoying.
  2. It's an honor to have you as the first reply.....and somehow I always set myself up for this, from you. Love it!
  3. https://buffalonews.com/2019/05/12/erik-brady-buffalo-isnt-where-im-from-its-who-i-am/
  4. Just read this on wivb's site directly. Cancer blows chunks and I hate it.
  5. Why is the bus driver on their cell phone? The Jeep driver should be dunked into the Outer Harbor repeatedly, in February, and then left outside in front of (formerly) Dug's Dive.
  6. Yet another well-reasoned argument by my man Fergy......HEARD.
  7. Do you live in Tibet?!
  8. This is the equivalent of saying the Bills would have been better off without Jim Kelly.
  9. I've been through the Sam Adams brewery here (for work, not on a tour), where 90% of their beer is made. They break a crapload of bottles every day and it's a maze from the 1940's. Sam's getting paid (Sam that owns Dogfish Head) so good for him. Their beer is/was excellent.
  10. I am learning this..................
  11. https://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/hamilton-county/anderson-township/anderson-township-woman-charged-with-arson-for-setting-own-house-on-fire Physically, I'm in. Mentally, I'm about the distance away we are from the moon.
  12. I can't believe I'm going to type this sentence, but: I'd pay to watch that in person.
  13. There it finally is, the obligatory "I dislike Rome" post, every time I bring up that a Bill will be on his show. I simply want to alert the people around here that we are getting a conversation that we may be interested in finding. Don't like Rome? Perfect, more bandwidth for me to use!
  14. Bill Parcells definitely wanted Phil and made no secret how good he thought he would be during the draft.
  15. Butch was the original "all he does is catch touchdowns" guy......he was dope.
  16. I'm gonna pass.
  17. I've seen this......happened at my 9-year-old's basketball game last year. My older kid plays lacrosse and the amount of YELLING from the coaches is staggering. Most parents are more into talking to each other it seems like, but the coaches are nearly intolerable. My younger kid plays soccer and the parents are yelling at the KIDS with the coaches doing the same. I sit there silently wondering what the hell is wrong with people....
  18. Planet Fitness. $10 a month (for only your nearest location) and you can get two months free if you visit more than 8 times a month over the course of about 10 months. Clean, well run, I go 6 out of 7 days a week early so it's not crowded. Best exercise decision I've made.
  19. Sounds like a motivated veteran. Puts 100% effort into every practice and game. Wants to shut people down, every down. Jaworski told him he was too talented for the indoor league in Philadelphia. Bills wanted him for perseverance and character. "To feel like one of the family, it's a beautiful feeling." Very self-aware.
  20. Whatever keeps our punter off the field.....
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