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Everything posted by Seasons1992

  1. I'm staring at my $10 bet on the Bills to win the SB, from the Bellagio. It's taped to the wall directly under an original-logo Bills banner, directly to the upper left of my computer monitor.
  2. I’m stunned he’s dominating this course, but it’s certainly not set up like a US Open.
  3. Yep I will be there. I know @plenzmd1also will be.
  4. Saw this yesterday. He was a genius. RIP IM Pei.
  5. Well DUH, of course I eat omlettes. They're scrambled! Omlettes aren't a type of egg preparation. Scramble the eggs, then prepare the scramble anyway you'd like.
  6. SCRAMBLED ONLY. I'd rather drink a hot Corona from 1997 than eat eggs in any other fashion.
  7. OPINION: Fried eggs are gross. I can't stand them at all. DISCLAIMER: I have had a fried egg on a burger once. At Roast, in Detroit. Basically they take all the steak trimmings, and make burgers out of those. They offer a fried egg on top. It was really, really amazing. But a fried egg on its own? Hard, HARD pass.
  8. So are Americans.........you calling me fat?
  9. I have the last of the "good" Honda's, my 2005 CR-V, made in Japan. It's been darn near flawless and only has 272,000 miles on it. Working to get to 300k. And it features a picnic table in the back for Bills tailgating!
  10. I go store-brand white shells. I only eat scrambled. Only.
  11. I had one of these, it was called a Turbo Hopper.
  12. The 1991 Japanese-built Honda Prelude SI 4WS. I'd buy one today if they re-started making them fresh (there are companies looking to do this, avoiding the safety regulations, BTW):
  13. Senior year down here in Cincy, a few kids and I got “Superior” grades in Social Studies, meaning we didn’t have to take the final exam. As the teacher read those names, the last one was my friend and the entire class looked at him like “no effing way.” He was like “hell yeah.” He admitted later on to me that he could see all my answers on my work all year.
  14. Cheektowaga not on the list? Blasphemy.
  15. No wonder the owner doesn't know what's going on.....he's busy working for another that's not sure what's going on: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woody_Johnson
  16. She looks pissed. I'm in.
  17. It still is amazing that Russ Brandon was our GM for that season........say that out loud. And then he took Maybin who was in no way qualified to play professional football.
  18. Can't find the poop emoji..........shouldn't that be under the Activity group?
  19. Ah, the beerball. Had a few of those back at Ohio University in the 90's. One grocery store called Big Bear carried them. The only problem was when you didn't have enough people and beer stayed in it overnight.....got stale REAL quick.
  20. I hope he finds a great path to his life 2.0 after the game. Zero ill-will towards him. His greatest moment may be that Jax game in London where he overcame the 17 turnovers and brought us all the way back...........yeah that's all I got for "greatest moment."
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