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Everything posted by Seasons1992

  1. He deserves a pudding pop somewhere other than the face...........
  2. That would cover 1.5 of my government-regulated monthly payments to the ex.........
  3. Because NO ONE is making rules against it for the most part. I also dislike this practice greatly.
  4. I would call this #1 for me. This would be #2 for me.
  5. Boyst is busy farming and birthing calves on his farm as far as I can tell.....
  6. I have two guns.........one for each of ya.
  7. Steve was funny.......the D'Arcy's got a little dopey once Ted came on board.
  8. Fantasy Island is a real value and have been back a few times in the past 5 years.
  9. DAMN, you beat me. I was gonna post this EXACT picture.
  10. This is simply called "Saturday" for me.
  11. I wonder if the grounds crew at New Era still have one of Tom Brady's items available for you.......
  12. Well duh, you're the supplier, so......
  13. @teef about 20 minutes later.......
  14. I would imagine that there's a protractor of some variety that measures the angle. Then, there's probably some kind of lateral-movement device that can handle the firmness. Something like this........
  15. With your practice, do you find you sit more or walk between offices more? I love my stand-up desk to change things up. I work from home so there's no "office walks" I can take........unless you call me going to the bathroom a "walk." I know @plenzmd1 considers that a tax write-off...... Back to the original topic. I live in Cincy so the summers can be really, really humid around here. Not Atlanta-hot or DC hot, but still brutal. I honestly prefer winter; no bugs, lower energy bills (I keep it cold), no sweating just by going outside, no sunscreen. Now, my winters here are WAY easier than Buffalo and much shorter. Hell, I've played golf two days after Xmas.
  16. We're nearly the same age and I'm not sure which I'd rather have at this point if I had to choose only one..........material "things" breaking around me, or pains in the body somewhere. Both stink.
  17. OMG I'm laughing so much right now! "Grade IV erection" is a great .38 Special cover band name.
  18. If you're willing to buy me the ticket, I'll hire a film crew and handle this documentary myself.............
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