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Everything posted by Seasons1992

  1. No water during practices either, dammit!
  2. How dare you assume I don't know the fabulous Ukrainian singer from back in the day! (Google is awesome) I completely agree, and I'm in on this one.
  3. You're welcome in advance: https://starburns.audio/podcasts/dumb-people-town/
  4. Been through this, and am currently watching it happen to a friend of mine also. BOOOOOOOO! That's BS, Royale........my ex waited for a full year before the introduction. You can't just introduce kids to your latest fling. Hard opinion.
  5. Excellent point.......I'm planning on staying up through one OT but then that's it. I'd rather have Boston up huge through 2 so I can turn it off, rather than watch an OT loss to those pudwhacks.
  6. Both of you are trouble around here........thick as thieves, you are. Again, a vivid memory for me. We were out playing street hockey and one of the dad's came outside and was absolutely giddy with the news that Marino had torn his Achilles. All of us were like "Hell yeah!"
  7. I distinctly remember the 1994 AFC Championship game, when Montana got his arm hurt. The camera was on him trying to throw right after that on the sidelines, and when he couldn't really throw and grabbed his arm and winced, the Rich Stadium crowd most definitely cheered this outcome.
  8. I noticed this earlier today as well.
  9. Thai food is amazing. Their soccer team is diametrically opposed.
  10. As you should....I watch it yearly. I hope Dion finds his dog. I wonder if it ran across 5 Corners to Taffy's.......
  11. That's not a problem when Peterman isn't on your team........it's a guaranteed win.
  12. @Boyst62 you know any of these fine ladies?
  13. The instant I saw that pic this morning, I raced over here and had to post it. Just SO DAMN PUNCHABLE!
  14. Ahhhhh.....one HOF'er and a future HOF'er doing good work there.
  15. I'm extremely competitive. I get pissed when losing a cornhole game just playing for fun. (For those with an alternate idea of what a "cornhole game" is, it's THIS: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornhole)
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