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Everything posted by Seasons1992

  1. You're so lazy.........? I'm working all day Friday but not the 4th........everyone else is on vacation. So I get all the leads that come in that day. Probably will be slow anyway.
  2. And once again I thank you.......
  3. Our defense will be well-rested and ready to take the ball away. Offensive strategy this year: Shady rush Gore rush Beasley 3rd down conversion. Rinse and repeat.
  4. They sure do.....bring the party to you vs. going out, when famous. Don't need to catch the horns from the local law enforcement.
  5. Excuse ME? I get drunk on Manhattans in a 32oz thermos, thank you very much.......ask @plenzmd1 And then a few gifted Blue Lights from @LeviF91................
  6. We're still plenty crazy, and I suppose we may be over the legal limit, but yes I see your point!
  7. Good GOD that was incredible. You can see that woman pulling her husband by the arm forcefully off to the left trying to get out of there. The initial 10 seconds must have been amazing. My story goes back to West Seneca, circa 1988........was mindlessly waving a sparkler around on the back patio with family over, and happened to wander directly over the brown bag loaded with fireworks. Yep, the entire thing went off all at once. I've never ran so fast. It blew a small hole in the concrete. No one was hurt miraculously.
  8. Those are the eyes of a man who needs help.
  9. I respectfully disagree. The best thing that ever happened to Rich Stadium (yeah I said it) is putting in REAL seats. I wish they'd eliminate the bleachers completely, reduce capacity, and charge me more due to it. People, say it out loud: You can buy a season ticket for this franchise for $350. I PAID $450 FOR FC CINCINNATI MLS TICKETS! THEY ARE DREADFUL! If I still lived there I would pay up to $750 for those cheap seats without even thinking about it. Toronto/Canada, Erie, Rochester.......plenty of people have to drive 1.5 hours from a SB location to attend the festivities. You're telling me that Jacksonville, who brought in a DAMN CRUISE SHIP for "hotel" rooms, would be more deserving for an SB than WNY? Disagreed (respectfully of course).
  10. If they don't **** something up on the way into the house, yes, I always did it. I had a treadmill delivered 3 summers ago into the basement. The standard delivery was two men, out of the truck, to my garage and that was the farthest they would do it. I handed each a $20 and said "Please get it downstairs, boys." Zero complaints, it moved quickly, safely, and without issue.
  11. I always thought it was amazing that G N R actually kicked a guy out for substance abuse. Like, how is that possible? Duff has told the story of how he would barf up due to alcohol poisoning, and then re-drink it to keep the booze in. I mean, that's some hardcore nonsense.
  12. I think it's cool. Kids need to go there and see how we did things back when we took chances and achieved great things.
  13. Acid has clearly made it to the Bush. Good LORD. I would pay a lot to get to Australia...........but I would pay even MORE to avoid those people.
  14. I say start Carly Lloyd.......instead of off the bench.
  15. This team has been BAD for MANY years outside of a few. Happy we have the people/team in place from top to bottom that will succeed, finally. Yeah I said it. Yeah I had a couple beers out at lunch also.........................................
  16. @plenzmd1 if you start driving now, you can be to Cincy by 3pm. Speed a lot. I have two growlers to be filled at the local brewery that will be employed for the game. Hoping for a riveting match no matter the outcome.
  17. As someone who works from home, there are NO reasons it sucks. None. Outside of no human interaction for 9 hours, which then forces one to the bars afterwards to see your "friends." I'm fine...........
  18. OOOOOOHHHH great call on Traffic. I have a great splatter-vinyl album by Dave Mason (Alone Together) that sounds exactly like them. All the songs are great.
  19. Nothing wrong with that, provided your hot athletic date stayed all week......... Yep, Over The Rhine. @teef you can stay with me! I'll even provide the rocks.
  20. Nevermind........saw the other thread.
  21. Fixed, @LeGOATski I was starving when I responded and almost went out and got one!
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