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Everything posted by Seasons1992

  1. Wait mead, are you barfing due to the 38 marg's or her face?
  2. I guarantee he will. Been saying it for a couple months now.
  3. I just got off the river here and it's like 1,000 degrees. Couldn't agree more.
  4. Of course! Why am I not surprised your daily driver is one of these............
  5. Good god you're old..........?
  6. Yes it does! Great for canoeing. My local brewery actually keeps a keg of Sierra at all times in the back for the staff to do sensory training on to make sure they are able to taste their own beer properly.
  7. Likewise! @Gugny I hate you so much. WHOA, Virgil chimes in on an OTW topic. Love it!
  8. I've actually begun to purchase the original beer that started me on "good" beers again: Good old Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. Alcohol is down to 5.5%, it's consistent, you know what you're getting, etc.
  9. We didn't have it when I lived in Orchard Park. My dad installed a whole-house fan on the upper floor, and we left the windows and front door open in the summer to draw fresh air in throughout the house. Here in Cincinnati, if you don't have it, you probably won't survive long!
  10. Beat me to it........... I'm a no. Those are crazy eyes.
  11. Full-stop. This is one of two. The other is "Stop Making Sense" by Talking Heads. If you haven't seen this concert movie, cancel your plans and watch it tonight.
  12. Completely agree. He's gotten shafted the last two seasons in the playoffs. Could have two or even 3 SB's.
  13. I had no idea that www.foxnews.com/sports was a thing.
  14. HARD pass on her. I would NOT. What a PITA.
  15. Man you're violent........
  16. Who spells "Conner/Connor" with one N?
  17. I assure you he sees dumb *hit on a daily basis and you probably didn't hit his radar any differently.
  18. TOTALLY beat me to it! I was gonna say "That's an alien, baby....."
  19. He could care less, considering he probably charged you $125 just to show up........
  20. If I were an NFL owner you better believe I'd be doing this. But I would also imagine there's a huge privacy issue or some kind of personal rights that would have to be overcome first.
  21. That's right, and I'm winning the Cadillac, bub!
  22. If that's the case he should go back to the future.......... You don't need a pretty face to achieve that.........there are plenty of slumpbusters out there ready and waiting for your call.
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