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Everything posted by Seasons1992

  1. HEARD. I'm not a lefty, but my work notebook is horrific and I'm the only one who knows what that crap says.
  2. Went and looked this up........ Hard pass on that style of "offing."
  3. Yeah but he had a fake voice back then in his movies.........so that takes him down a peg in my book.
  4. Yep, the Valentines!
  5. I didn't know that there was a picture of Oates sitting on the trunklid of a Fiero........but I do now. Kids out there, you can learn more here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hall_%26_Oates And here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pontiac_Fiero
  6. I've had this for a year now, zero depression, super duper comfortable. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B078SWCHXP/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  7. TRUE, but I heard something about Rambo "not being human. It's like hitting a piece of iron."
  8. Always go "fresh" Match Light charcoal. I agree with a standard Weber kettle as well.
  9. Tacos indeed................................................ Leave @Royale with Cheese alone............let's focus on the lone fact that he actually GOT that 2nd date.
  10. This is a tough one for me. I guess I'll go Axl.
  11. Bon Scott without a doubt. Back in Black is a GREAT album, but Bon was the man. Crazy as hell. Showed up to the tryouts without a shirt on and a beer in hand, and they gave him the gig without him singing at all.
  12. I'll take Rambo............did you know was a professional prizefighter in a previous life and doesn't need a gun to inflict harm? I found this long lost picture from his past.
  13. Beat me to it. They were two completely different bands.
  14. I'm divorced, she can tell whoever she wants!
  15. If we're anything around here at TBD, we're politically correct.........
  16. After seeing three years of this, I've seen enough.
  17. Neither did Jerry Garcia.........but everyone LOVES him. Robert Hunter did a lot of the heavy lifting. Elton forever.
  18. To get recruits in from all over the world, to the Chicago airports.
  19. My parents are retired...........I had no idea you were old also.
  20. Didn't he once sing a song about playing a piano in a bar, and then has subsequently driven his car home from said bar right through two houses in the past? He sounds like a hypocrite........get an Uber, William!
  21. I ran into a bar friend last night; he's a professional camera operator for MLB and other major sporting events. He told me that he's been pegged to work the Bills-Broncos game in November and was told that he will "love" working in New Era field due to the sightlines and apparently the fact that it got re-wired with over-the-top technology for the media/camera people a couple of years ago. I didn't know this info.
  22. If I have to choose, I'm taking #1.
  23. Yes........ A Japan-made Honda CR-V. Consumer's Beverages small bottles of pop in many, MANY flavors. The Price is Right with Bob Barker as the host. Super Bowls representing the Buffalo Bills.
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