I didn't know that there was a picture of Oates sitting on the trunklid of a Fiero........but I do now.
Kids out there, you can learn more here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hall_%26_Oates
And here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pontiac_Fiero
I've had this for a year now, zero depression, super duper comfortable. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B078SWCHXP/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Tacos indeed................................................
Leave @Royale with Cheese alone............let's focus on the lone fact that he actually GOT that 2nd date.
Bon Scott without a doubt. Back in Black is a GREAT album, but Bon was the man. Crazy as hell.
Showed up to the tryouts without a shirt on and a beer in hand, and they gave him the gig without him singing at all.
I'll take Rambo............did you know was a professional prizefighter in a previous life and doesn't need a gun to inflict harm? I found this long lost picture from his past.
Didn't he once sing a song about playing a piano in a bar, and then has subsequently driven his car home from said bar right through two houses in the past? He sounds like a hypocrite........get an Uber, William!
I ran into a bar friend last night; he's a professional camera operator for MLB and other major sporting events. He told me that he's been pegged to work the Bills-Broncos game in November and was told that he will "love" working in New Era field due to the sightlines and apparently the fact that it got re-wired with over-the-top technology for the media/camera people a couple of years ago. I didn't know this info.
A Japan-made Honda CR-V.
Consumer's Beverages small bottles of pop in many, MANY flavors.
The Price is Right with Bob Barker as the host.
Super Bowls representing the Buffalo Bills.