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Everything posted by Seasons1992

  1. I cook bacon every weekend day. Always goes into the trash vs the drain.
  2. Three things should never go down the drain in quantities of magnitude (ask me how I know) 1. Coffee grounds. 2. Eggshells 3. Carrot or potato peelings Trust me, people. You don't want to be undoing your plumbing at 10pm because of this.
  3. Chiming in on a long post, as I drink my afternoon coffee and the Garden State movie soundtrack plays in the background on the record player... I now have a Target Basics auto drip maker. I had to properly dial in the proportions and water once I got it three months ago, because it was different from the Cuisinart machine I had used for about 7 years. The issue was the Cuisinart failed after 5 years, and the exact replacement failed before a year. I said screw it. Once I figured out how the new one worked, it's all good. I grind my own beans every use, which are Eight O'Clock Columbian. Fairly inexpensive, taste great. I also have a Bodum Chambord French press (which I desperately need to use more), and a kettle-pour-over setup as well. ***OPINION HERE: I do not subscribe to the Nescafe machine, or Kuerigs. Just not the same, but that's me and y'all do what y'all do.***
  4. zicam wins the battles for me. You might as well also get the “good” NyQuil from behind the counter and sleep it off for two days. Works wonders.
  5. I'm in on 2 and 3. 2 needs a facewashing and some Visine.
  6. Good sir, my comments were NOT directed to you at all!
  7. It's easy when the world can view your "outrage" in one click. I am becoming more analog by the day. Hell, I may even subscribe to the Buffalo News and have it delivered here in Cincy!
  8. I listened to your Youtube videos to make sure I gave Squeeze a fair chance. I have to pass on them. But I'm happy to learn about a new band, so thanks! I give you, THESE kids:
  9. I'm old so I'm not invited to weddings anymore.
  10. Ok, hear me out........... She's clearly crazy and I don't subscribe to them ladies. BUT, she has a face that I bet cleans up nicely with a little makeup and a nice haircut. I'm in. (?)
  11. Totally in the wrong, also. If that were Josh doing that, I'd be severly disappointed. And then I'd be running on the field to do bad things to Garrett from the stands.
  12. I've been looking forward to posting about this. I watched the game till late in the 3rd, rooting on Cleveland. I roll into Planet Fitness and turn on the treadmill TV, and GMFB happened to be the last channel that was on. And then I saw what happened. I became enraged at that. If Myles isn't suspended for at least a full calendar year, then the commissioner clearly should be ousted. Brady/Rodgers/Brees/Rivers takes a helmet hit like that, I feel the other player is banned for life. I'm STILL upset. Even if Brady took that, my feelings don't change.
  13. Because you do this, and then you get close to a small airport nearby, and two people fly in on a private jet that then need to go to Dayton. I had an hour for lunch, not 2.5 hours.
  14. All of this, especially not chasing surges.
  15. I've never seen it. How does one consume it these days and I assume I should start at the beginning?
  16. The Fox Single map is cool. I love how West Lafayette and West Lafayette ONLY is covering the NO game.....
  17. No, I'd actually be paying you the $100.......... BTW, @plenzmd1, can I borrow like $25k to cover this past-tense hypothetical bet once time machines are invented?
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