Chiming in on a long post, as I drink my afternoon coffee and the Garden State movie soundtrack plays in the background on the record player...
I now have a Target Basics auto drip maker. I had to properly dial in the proportions and water once I got it three months ago, because it was different from the Cuisinart machine I had used for about 7 years.
The issue was the Cuisinart failed after 5 years, and the exact replacement failed before a year. I said screw it. Once I figured out how the new one worked, it's all good.
I grind my own beans every use, which are Eight O'Clock Columbian. Fairly inexpensive, taste great.
I also have a Bodum Chambord French press (which I desperately need to use more), and a kettle-pour-over setup as well.
***OPINION HERE: I do not subscribe to the Nescafe machine, or Kuerigs. Just not the same, but that's me and y'all do what y'all do.***