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Don Beebe

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Everything posted by Don Beebe

  1. Thanks for a really great post. Boy did that bring back memories. I remember those games but watching those highlights brought everything back. It was great. Those clips should be required watching for the Bills team and all Bills fans this week.
  2. I am more optimistic than you. The Bullough era was really bad. I am going to give this team the rest of the year before I put them in that class. But I admit this start is pretty bad.
  3. I remember those days too. I don't think we are that bad yet. This team can pull itself together and win some games. Thanks for posting. It's good to know there is still some of the old timers around.
  4. I remember that. I always thought that was when that team started to get some team spirit. It seemed to pull them together.
  5. Don't worry everybody! The coach is going to study the film and try to find the teams problems.
  6. I am with you! No quarter! Take no prisoners!
  7. Very good post. They should hire you at ESPN. You have a better knowledge of the team.
  8. I cheered for you while you did. It's been an up and down ride hasn't it?
  9. Do you remember when we finally beat Miami and the crowd tore the goalposts down ?
  10. I remember 2 and 14 and cheering for a first down like it was a touchdown.
  11. Thanks for this post. I have been feeling a down lately and the comments on this really got me laughing. The best one was, Looks like a cow had sex with a bear. That was great!
  12. The problem is that they hire ex players. They may be great players, but they are usually dumber than a box of rocks.
  13. Horrible offensive line play, they got McCarron hurt last week and almost got Allen hurt this week. Don't worry about which quarterback starts, worry about the offensive line. Those guys would get manhandled by a Pop Warner team. The coach should have went up in the crowd and found some fat guys and put them in uniform.
  14. The way I read it he says our team sucks. I don't agree.
  15. That's a good question. I haven't heard his name all preseason. Is he injured?
  16. The court of public opinion.
  17. In the USA the way things are today, he is guilty until he can prove he is innocent.
  18. The good old days! Buffalo will rise again!
  19. Yes!! Somebody that remembers Mike Curtis. Now there was a man who could hit.
  20. I haven't yet but I will If I get a chance. I am not a Bill just a fan, but I would be happy to help.
  21. Would work for me!
  22. This is a Bills forum. Why do we care about Arizona's quarterback?
  23. Yes, That's the way it was. It's funny now but it wasn't funny then.
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