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Don Beebe

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Everything posted by Don Beebe

  1. SoTier sounds like a Jets fan.
  2. Pay no attention to them. I remember when we were going to Super bowls. We were everybody's favorite team to put down even then. The world is full of haters.
  3. Kipper said that Thurman Thomas was a wasted draft pick. That tells you all you need to know.
  4. Who is that with Kraft?
  5. That's what I thought when they were saying it. There seemed to be a lot of hate towards the Bills.
  6. My reaction was the same as Mark Kelso's. I would like to thank Mark for speaking out.
  7. Thanks for posting all this stuff 26. I get most of my Bill's news right here now.
  8. I don't think getting rid of Kelvin would be considered a loss of a player.
  9. Without Allen we don't have an offense. He is carrying them on his back.
  10. Some people are never happy.
  11. I don't know about other teams, but they scare me.
  12. No he played a decent game today the wide receivers and offensive line let him down. Those interceptions in this game weren't his fault.
  13. Are you saying you want him thrown to the lions?
  14. If you are a Bills fan of course you want them to go to the playoffs. No real fan ever wants their team to lose. And don't start with the draft picks crap.
  15. There was a lot of swearing at my house that day.
  16. I was watching that Raider's game! And I was not happy with Heidi at all!
  17. Bills fans won't accept a learning curve. They demand immediate perfection.
  18. They both stink.
  19. That guy was pretty bitter. I think he lost some money on that game.
  20. That's not being a homer. That's being a real fan.
  21. I also noticed Beuerlein. If a lineman missed a block it was Allen's fault.
  22. This map shows me in Giant's country. I own 15 acres of land and never while there is breath in my body will those 15 acres be called anything but Bills country.
  23. Go away. You are annoying.
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