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Posts posted by HIT BY SPIKES

  1. 8 hours ago, JÂy RÛßeÒ said:

    With baked beans


    Definitely Baked Beans.


    I make awesome baked beans.


    I will get a new 30L keg of IPA on Friday for the ManCave Kegerator from here…



    Beans, Onions, Fried Eggs, Broccoli and high IBU IPAs — What could go wrong?


    I hope the wife wants to cuddle after the game.



    8 hours ago, Amarillo Bills Fan said:

    Brisket.  Low and slow.  Use post oak with an offset firebox or the easy way with a pellet grill.


    Trim the fat to a 1/4" and hit it with lots of course salt and pepper.  Smoke for 12 to 14 hours.  When it hits 203 degrees remove it, wrap it in a towel and place in a cooler so it can rest for at least an hour.


    So start the cook around 9pm Saturday night.


    The guy makes awesome rubs as well. 

    Did that last week and I am still eating left over Beef Brisket and Pork Side Ribs from the electric smoker.

  2. Got the Beef Brisket on the 2nd lowest rack with the completed two Racks of Pork Side Ribs  on the rack above it and the Pork Breast Bone on the top rack.


    I have a fancy digital programmed thermometer in the brisket.




    I also found a 1 & 1/2 lb Cuttlefish I had in the freezer and thawed it out to put some peanut oil and hot curry powder on it.  Going to put it on the lowest rack hours from now so that it does not drip all over the beef and pork.


    Time to start drinking

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  3. Early yesterday morning I scored the smallest brisket point I could find — 5 & 1/2 lbs — and two huge racks of side ribs both on sale.


    All rubbed up differently and in the fridge to be flipped every 12 hours prior to throwing them on the electric smoker tomorrow.


    Normally I use the Big Green Egg to smoke however we have already tarpped it up for the winter and the forecast is for a day of rain and wind tomorrow.  It does have its own shelter but it could be miserable going to check on it even infrequently.


    The electric smoker is on the raised porch attached to the kitchen sheltered from the rain and wind.


    Yes, I am made of sugar.

    • Awesome! (+1) 2
  4. 11 minutes ago, boater said:


    Captains of Industry? Heh.


    The point I was leading to: Johnson, Davis, Tepper, Haslam are all running teams that are Class A Clown Shows. They are running their teams into the dirt.


    You call them qualified, and Kim unqualified? Thanks for the Saturday morning funnies.



    Would you like me to compare their resumes with Kim Pegulas BEFORE they bought their teams?


    I can do that if you like but the Homers here will see it as me beating up on a relatively uneducated, inexperienced and now possibly very ill woman.


    I prefer you just trust me on this one.


    I am here for your entertainment.



  5. 1 hour ago, GoBills808 said:

    To make you mad

    Thank you for thinking of me.


    I feel a little guilty since I never think of you.


    Perhaps a little more honesty on whether as a Bills fan it is more important for the Bills to finally win a SuperBowl rather than simply remain in Buffalo regardless of winning would be wise.


    To me it is all about the former and will follow the laundry as a fan forever regardless of location.

    1 hour ago, Richard Noggin said:



    Funny how children of OTHER rich people's kids are automatically accepted as qualified to run NFL franchises, but for some reason you are so skeptical of Pegula's children.


    Also, with respect to the hints of chauvinism in your posts @HIT BY SPIKES, how has Terry's passion project/hockey org done after 10+ years? compared to Kim's Bills (air quotes) after less time? 

    No hints of chauvinism at all.


    Neither should have done anything as Owners other than hand the keys to an experienced high level NFL/NHL executive who would then hire a GM and that GM would hire a HC.


    It is basic Organizational Behaviour Structure.


    The Pegulas refuse to do that.


    That is their prerogative however as a Bills fan I just want to win.

    • Agree 2
  6. 1 hour ago, boater said:


    Does Woody Johnson, Jets, have this qualification?

    Does Mark Davis, Raiders, have it?

    Does David Tepper, Panthers, have it?

    Does Jimmy Haslam, Browns, have it?


    Compared to Houghton College possible graduate Kim who met her husband while applying for a waitress job I would say they are professional sports executive geniuses compared to her.


    Each of those Owners you listed are Captains of Industry.


    With all due respect to Mrs. Pegula, she could not captain a row boat.


    Let’s be honest about how she became President of both the Sabres and Bills.


    I will continue to pray for Kim’s health however she was waaaaaaay out of her league.

    • Vomit 1
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  7. 7 hours ago, Buffalo Super Fan said:

    You don’t know that? That is purely speculative. Terry Pegula got $850 million dollars from New York State and Erie County. The Oakland Athletics moved to Las Vegas for less than half that in public money $350 million dollars is a bargain for a MLB franchise. Las Vegas is a strip that’s it it’s hardly New York City or Los Angeles. Ok so Buffalo would have professional sports regardless of Terry Pegula if we are passing out that much public money. The economic model changes from decade to decade. The Local Cable television market that ruled MLB baseball of the 1990’s are no more. Professional sports are about public money today what are you going to give the owner. Austin, Texas was never giving $850 million dollars of public money to Terry Pegula that was totally made up by the Buffalo Bills. So no I don’t think Terry Pegula saved the Buffalo Bills the NFL was letting Buffalo stay in the NFL regardless of Terry Pegula because of the public money available from New York State. The NFL offices are in New York City the NFL knew wink, wink New York State has public money for their NFL team in Western New York. I think even if Bon Jovi got the Bills they would have stayed in Buffalo because of the public money that they couldn’t get in Toronto. So the NFL had the Bills staying because of the public money so they can blackmail Nashville and Jacksonville saying see Buffalo paid. San Diego, Oakland and St Louis wouldn’t pay that is why they aren’t there. It has zero to do with how great your market is or isn’t if that was the case Oklahoma City wouldn’t have Seattle’s NBA team. OKC paid and Seattle didn’t bye, bye SuperSonics in my opinion. Go Bills! Let’s Go Buffalo 


    Well said sir!!!


    Do you know why Terry Pegula paid $1.4B when Forbes had the Bills valued at less than $1B?


    US Tax laws allow NFL owners to write off the price they pay for a franchise over 10 years against all income.


    Nice eh?


    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Maynard said:

    Kim and maybe the kids. It’s really sad because I feel Kim was making many of the decisive decisions on the football side. I feel for Terry there, and why I expect no major changes to occur for next season. 

    I agree that an unqualified Kim was making decisions.


    Curious why you “feel” for Terry.

  9. 18 hours ago, I am the egg man said:


    Is there point to your post?

    9 hours ago, boater said:

    Learn to like it. Without Pegs, you wouldn't even be here commenting today on the _______ Bills. (fill in the blank with any city more vibrant than Buffalo)

    AND that is all that matters right?


    The Sabres can never make the play-offs again and/or the Bills never win a Super Bowl but as long as Pegula keeps the team in Buffalo to make the City of Buffalo and anyone from it relevant then it is OK right?

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