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Everything posted by HIT BY SPIKES

  1. Tyson needs to throw bombs these next two rounds since he ain't getting to the 6th round.
  2. I doubt that Tyson has the legs to go deep in this one. He needs a knock out soon.
  3. Well....I still got Mike Tyson as the pretty one between the two of them.
  4. I hope someone is watching over his cardboard box home for him during the fight.
  5. Phil Collins must be sooooooooooooo proud right now.
  6. The way that Rosie dances, I think I would like to see her go 8 rounds with Mike Tyson.
  7. If you are going to ask a Redneck friend to give up his red cap, you must respect him to give him more than just a basket to wear as a replacement.
  8. I am desperately searching the interwebs right now looking for a hat like that as a Christmas Present for a Redneck friend.
  9. I am rooting for the prettier one in this upcoming last fight as well.
  10. My money is on the pretty one Speak for yourself!!! The whole LBQGHABCDEF2+ community is watching this one. ------------------- Who are you guys rooting for in this one? My money is on the pretty one.
  11. Back to that hat... Do you think if you turn the hat upside down it could double as a sexy bed pan?
  12. Well....my Friday Night is complete now that Jerry Jones has the microphone.
  13. Just gave the pork ribs and beef short ribs a turnover in their marinating freezer bags at the back of the fridge. Smell awesome. Early tomorrow morning I will go purchase whatever I don't have in the kitchen for the Kansas City BBQ Sauce and some large Russet Potatoes for the accompanying fries. Weather for Sunday Morning is forecast to be sunny and beautiful so smoking the ribs on the Big Green Egg is a go.
  14. Nah. I heard the Basset Hound scratching in her crate downstairs so I put the 3 canine amigos outside in their kennel for 45 minutes to do their business. I did NOT miss much of this second prelim. Does Rosie have a speech impediment or is she on the spectrum?
  15. NOT sure why but I just woke up from a nap and I switched it on.
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