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Everything posted by HIT BY SPIKES

  1. I think Highland Packers which is about 6+ miles away from me does however it is snowing right now and that is a trip up the escarpment in my electric SmartCar so I will give it a pass tomorrow morning. I would want them tomorrow morning to get a 24+ hour marinate on them. If the snow stops at less than 3", I will go to an Afghan Butcher that is about 1+ miles from me when they open at 9:00 AM and are NOT busy yet. They often have Sheep Testicles at a reasonable price. You need to remove the membrane around them, cut them in half length-wise and marinate them for 24 hours. I have the cooking swords so if I can score some tomorrow, I will grill them just before game time on Sunday.
  2. Going to mix it up for Sunday and drink my favourite Pinot Gris from Northern Italy rather than drinking IPAs.
  3. My bar is one floor down from my kitchen in my ManCave however I like this idea of making a Denver omelette before starting to down IPAs before kick off.
  4. Yes you enter a draw for a specific area to get a tag for either a bull or a cow moose. Fun Fact: The plural of moose is moose.
  5. Elk is a domesticated animal up here and is available at my local grocery store. It is expensive however if you get there when the store opens up, sometimes you get lucky and find it 50% discounted when it was full price the night before. There is a restaurant in Regina, Saskatchewan called The Diplomat that had elk steak on the menu when I was living there or visiting and I would always order it. I see it is NO longer on their menu anymore => https://thediplomatsteakhouse.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/72094-Diplomat-Supper-Menus-8.5x11-web.pdf Moose is NOT a domesticated animal and thus cannot be purchased. My Late Father shot a handful of them over the years so I grew up eating it.
  6. The last time I saw horse meat was at a Dutch deli. Apparently, the Dutch and the French love their horse meat. Personally, I prefer moose and the few times I tried horse meat I found it very grainy.
  7. Love it!!! When I had season tickets and a couple games thereafter when the Eagles would come to Orchard Park, I would olive oil brush and bake in advance the largest fully intact turkey wings I could find for the tailgate. I would then grill at the tailgate on the old 20,000 BTU portable Weber two of those large turkey wings with the lid down after I sprinkled white feathers around and under the grill on the ground. As Eagles fans passed by our tailgate site I would open the lid to reveal those massive turkey wings and tell those walking by that they were Bald Eagle Wings. Then I would say I was Canadian and "are they they not legal to eat here in the US?". Never once arrested.
  8. Well it is the BIG dinner finally. Here are is a City of Denver's Top 25 Most Iconic Dishes => https://denver.eater.com/maps/best-denver-foods-restaurant-dishes Rocky Mountain Oysters anyone? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocky_Mountain_oysters What's on Your Plate?
  9. We don't need an elite D when we have an elite O however we got to have a D that get off the field to let our elite O take over.
  10. I hope so. We need him in the game flow now for if we play the Ravens since we may need to score 40+ to win that game. The Broncos I am not concerned about. The Ravens scoring 35+ on our Defence I am concerned about.
  11. Any idea what is going on with Amari Cooper? He may not be available for Sunday?
  12. For the past 3 years I have spent a month in Argentina in January/February with a large number of cousins I have there. My Father would always marinate the Baby Goat for Easter in Chimichurri Sauce -- a tradition I continue for Baby Goat and Lamb. Surprisingly, my Argentinian Cousin Leo does NOT use Chimichurri Sauce when he makes Asadio...just expensive salt and a little bit of pepper. The truth is that beef (and to a lessor extent the pork, goat and lamb) in Argentina is THE best in the world and Chimichurri Sauce would only hide that. Here in Canada I will continue to make homemade Chimichurri Sauce every couple of months because although our beef is superior than that from the U.S.A. in general, it is NOT of the elite level as that in Argentina. P.S.: I am going to be cooking local goat over an open pimento wood fire in the hills overlooking Negril Jamaica for two weeks in early February so NO charitable donations are needed. Jah Bless!!!
  13. I haven't been there for well over a decade but I remember my son (who is a huge eater) and I could NOT finish The Danny's Sub in one sitting. Just an anchor of a sub.
  14. Meaningless Game = Meaningless Menu . Normally, with the cold weather, I would be making CLAM CHOWDER for New England games. However, I am fighting a cold/cough/flu and between The Feast of Seven Fishes I made on Christmas Eve and the Sushi, Maki, California Hand Rolls, Vietnamese Cold Rolls and Steamed Dim Sum Dumplings I made for New Year's Eve, I have had enough fish for a while. BAKED BOSTON BEANS are always fun however with one of the flu systems I am just getting over, I can't trust the true nature of my flatulence. So I think I will need to focus on the two large leftover lamb thighs I made on New Year's Day and I am thinking sandwiches and soup. NOT thrilling by any means however neither will the game be. What's on your plate?
  15. I dug up the panini press just to class up these game day sandwiches.
  16. 54F and sunny now. All the snow that was on the ground has melted away. Tomorrow over 1 & 1/2" of rain followed by a little rain on Monday and another 3/4" on New Year's Eve day before the temperature drops to make it all a skating rink for New Year's Day. Wild Thaw and Freeze.
  17. Plenty of rain here this weekend. Soup sounds warming and comforting.
  18. Agreed. I just have too many leftovers to be ordering in anything yet.
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