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Everything posted by HIT BY SPIKES

  1. 4-2 Not every game/woman is pretty butt they need love too.
  2. 50+ year Bills fan since the late 60’s and I cannot remember what hair on my head looks like.
  3. A hockey game May break out
  4. For those who said our OL was good enough to sustain a rushing game — Please immediately remove all your clothing and walk out your front door in a Walk of Shame.
  5. Gentlemen I implore you to remain POSITIVE…
  6. Taylor is what he always was — not good enough
  7. Ask your wife to leave the room now.
  8. This game is about to shift to the Bills favour dramatically. I just dropped a monster Karma changer with a huge splash. Bills win.
  9. That happened to me last week.
  10. Yes NBC ‘s damn Peacock has triggered me.
  11. STOP with the SuperBowl25 mentions you KUNTS.
  12. My eyes hurt from these colours
  13. I agree. Why try to trigger Bills Fans? If I want to get pissed off, I will just switch on CNN, MSNBC or FOX NEWS right now. Jesus Christ….I am having a 4 SuperBowl losses flashback right now and feel the PTSD coming on. Honey — Where is my Medical Weed Oil?
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