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Everything posted by HIT BY SPIKES

  1. The second wife is always better than the first.
  2. Ever since my Dietician suggested I drink the Orange Flavoured Fibre drink every morning in the Fall of 2022 my poops have been of Olympic quality with a Personal Beast every month.
  3. I lived in Anguilla, B.W.I. for a full year in 2009 and 2010. I was recruited to manage a law firm there.
  4. That title reminds me of what I just did in the bathroom.
  5. FSU is next!!!
  6. Turns out the wife made reservations for our daughter's birthday on Sunday after the game downtown so NO big meal for me for game time. Looks likes a new Italian restaurant I read about. Gnocchi or raviolis look good on the menu. Damn -- this means I have to shave, shower and dress up rather than be the usual slob I am during Bills games. FML!!!
  7. Pittsburg does the pork loin with garlic Rob on a crusty Italian if I recall. Made them last year. I took a look at my fridge just now and got enough leftovers to feed an army — Risotto made with Duck Soup, Charcoal Grilled Duck Legs, Grilled Thick T-bone Slices, Beef Stew, Chicken & Beef Broth, 3/4 lb Hand Formed Chicken Burgers, Grilled Turkey Wings, Grilled Turkey Backs, Grilled Yellow Peppers… I may have to just eat leftovers or re-purpose them for this game.
  8. I have NO clue what this area of your blessed country is known for food-wise. Rather than succumbing to the use of Google, I thought I would ask my Bills Brethren if they are doing a themed menu for this game and if so, what will that be?
  9. Suspending Jordan Poyer is NOT much of a punishment given he would be home during the suspension with his wife Rachel Bush... Perhaps the better punishment for Jordan would be for him to continue to play and have Antonio Brown continue his affair with Rachel....
  11. The weather looks to be sunny and NOT windy tomorrow so I am going to light up the Big Green Egg to grill those 5+ lbs of uncut chicken wings I have at the back of the fridge marinating since Thursday Morning. I just gave them a little massage and they smell great!!!
  12. Bring some rolls of paper towels to throw at them with the bread.
  13. Good analysis and I agree 100%. The Lions game in Detroit may be the toughest game the Bills have on schedule including the Chiefs game.
  14. Nope. i had a ticket for Friday night’s event however I unintentionally was going through an extremely spicy hot pot dinner cleanse and could not leave safely from within 50 feet of the bathroom. I saw photos of it on their FB page and it looked crowded and cramped. Sounds like missing it was a good thing. Some locals the next day laughed at the location and price of that event. Live and learn.
  15. Left Overs are piling up in the fridge. Plus I bought 5 lbs of fresh chicken wings and quickly marinated them with olive oil and a specific Italian season packet. I may just fire up the Big Green Egg weather permitting and grill those babies up whole attached.
  16. A buddy is giving me dozens of fresh caught perch it seems daily. Perhaps a simple fish fry is in order.
  17. After that unforgivable loss, it looks like the Irish may win out. So their ceiling would be 5th or 6th and a home game in the new opening round of the play-offs?
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