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  1. go to youtube and search draft josh allen draft reactions...priceless stuff there
  2. If you think Cleveland to Buffalo is a long drive, I'm thinking you haven't taken many long drives in your life.
  3. your poop comes out in red and blue
  4. i don't get the reference. Oh you're right, I forgot, you're referring to when the Sabres drafted Taro Tsujimoto, except Taro WASN'T REAL. HE WAS MADE UP. GO LOOK TRAVIS IN THE EYES AND ASK HIM IF'S HE MADE UP! Oh, and you better bring a ladder. Hate when dummies try to be smart asses and they fail miserably...no wait, I love it.
  5. I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. Here goes at being sarcastic.... so you want him to draft players that can't cover TEs and RBs??
  6. If he's the best RB in the draft, how in the hell is that not good value getting him in the 4th round??????? Holy Crikey. Peoples are crazy here. Seems to me a good pick if you get the best guy at a position.
  7. I watch some nyc stations ion youtube, they were freaking out last week when then were expecting 2 to 3 inches of snow.
  8. Cause the Bucs and Eagles are playing then, they would never have two playoff game running simultaneously.
  9. How many times must it take morons to understand, it's about getting to and from the game.
  10. Where do you live tough guy??
  11. Too many Cooks are going to spoil the stew.
  12. They should just let the play play out. Let defense decide if they want the result of the play or take the penalty.
  13. um. actually it doesn't, KC goes 0-2, Cincy goes 1-1, Buf goes 1-1, not that hard of math.
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