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Greg F

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Everything posted by Greg F

  1. The "body language expert" appears to be TV personality Susan Constantine. She has a masters degree in the <sarc>robust field of psychology. </sarc> Since Melania is Serbian, which is a somewhat more patriarchal society, Donald answering questions directed at Melania doesn't appear all that unusual. I wonder how well versed Constantine is in Serbian culture.
  2. Stealing Elections—The Danger of Voter Fraud and the Fight for Election Integrity Some excerpts:
  3. Just make sure you don't look back Tom. We would hate to see you turned into a pillar of salt.
  4. These are what pass for public servants. The bubble they live in must be impervious to common sense. This should be fun.
  5. Says the boy who thinks he is immune to cognitive bias. Got to give Meathead credit ... he likes to tell whoppers.
  6. Come on ... You write for the Onion don't ya?
  7. If you want to see the real crowd picture: http://www.cnn.com/interactive/2017/01/politics/trump-inauguration-gigapixel/ Zoom to the back and you will see the areas that are not occupied in the press photo are largely filled. Pan and zoom back to the podium and you will see Trump speaking. How embarrassing for pasta joe to have fallen for the media propaganda.
  8. How about claiming Hillary was "a hyper-qualified person".
  9. I know ... I have this one from during the inauguration which shows how deceptive the media has been.
  10. It is actually fake news. It seems every media outlet is passing off that pic as the Trump crowd. The fact is they are lying or stupid.
  11. Kind of like that tax form for loans that doesn't exist eh pastajoe? The white space is mostly the temporary structure just above "Inauguration Jan 20 2017" in the photo that was obviously taken before the ceremony began. Obama isn't POTUS anymore.
  12. Funny how that happens when another picture taken during the inauguration doesn't quite match up. A few things about the photo. The unedited photo of the Trump crowd is not to be found. To further cover their tracks the EXIF metadata has been scrubbed on the composite photo.The only thing the photo pastajoe posted proves is how dishonest the news media is.
  13. I am sure you can provide the IRS form that would contain that type of information ... if it even exists ... or more likely you're just talking out of your a$$.
  14. Nice try ... So what did CNN report. That has not been verified and is therefore fake news. In fact, nobody seems to know where this crap originated from. CNN reported: While NBC reported: Me thinks CNN was not being entirely truthful. CNN reported: CNN's report is basically a steaming pile of innuendo of which this is just one example. CNN reported: Of course not ... why should they? Much better to keep your fake news short and simple for the knuckle dragging morons that would actually believe it. Wouldn't want to tax their attention span would we?
  15. Anonymous sources have informed me the document source was a British intelligence agent named Austin Powers.
  16. Maybe they should get into making the glass for cell phones. I put in my first Anderson more than 12 years ago ... zero issues ... no leaks in spite of the fact that I didn't quite get it square. The only time it is a problem is when I put the screen in. I put 9 more in the porch a couple of years ago. I don't think by function or appearance that you could tell that the oldest window is 10 years older than the newer ones.
  17. They are going to say X millions more people have insurance now. What they won't tell you is with a $5,000 to $8,000 deductible a lot of those newly insured can't afford to use it. I propose starting a health care insurance company. Premiums will be $50 dollars a month with a $1,000,000 deductible. Think of how many more people we could insure!
  18. One of the local building suppliers started carrying Atrium as their cheap line. They also carry Anderson. Where I live vinyl is a poor choice compared to wood as the thermal conductivity of vinyl is twice that of wood. Have a couple of vinyl windows in the upstairs which are noticeably colder when the Arctic air mass makes a visit. Worked with a guy who had amazing windows, don't remember the name of the manufacturer. Triple pane vinyl clad wood at about twice the price of a 400 series Anderson. They looked like an Anderson on steroids.
  19. We don't get hurricanes and I hate vinyl windows ... they are piss poor in real cold weather climates. Oh ... and PGT can't compete on looks nor would I even consider a manufacturer that serves a niche market with a climate not even close to the one I live in.
  20. Where I live above zero in January is a heat wave. Condensation is a function of the difference between the inside and outside temperatures, the amount of humidity inside, and the temperature gradient through the window. When the window surface drops below the dew point you get condensation.
  21. No, they are saying they won't honor the warranty because of water damage due to your stupidity.
  22. They can also result in increased condensation on the window and subsequent water damage. The cost of repair or replacement may not be worth the meager energy savings. For my windows the manufacturer says:
  23. I am sure dumb a$$ was on it in 2010 when the Dem's were after it. http://www.politico.com/story/2010/06/lawmakers-seek-to-gut-ethics-office-038345
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